[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

“Once servants of the vaunted Sylvanas Windrunner, they did not have the IQ needed to understand her motives so they wrongfully exiled her. Now they must find a way in the world without her benevolent guidance.”


“Graced with the peerless leadership of Sylvanas Windrunner and her AMAZING INCREDIBLE BOYFRIEND WITH HUNKY MUSCLES AND A COOL GOATEE AND HE CAN FIGHT THE NIGHT WARRIOR AND WIN WITH ONLY A BOW AND HE HAS A JETPACK VROOOOOM Nathanos Blightcaller and…uh…I forgot what I was going to say. Tirelessly protect the living.”


the night elf description is just three paragraphs of malfurion screaming TYYRRAAAANNNDAAA

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Going to be a long one. Human men BlizzCon face options.

Currently we cannot preview all of the faces with their eyes open, but we are working on adding support for the other faceposes to bring you improved previews!

((it all started with that damn smile))


((are we getting a mouth-breather option lol??))

New Death Knight Runeforges

5 new Runeforges are available when Runeforging your weapon on the Shadowlands Alpha.

  • Rune of Hysteria Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that increases maximum Runic Power by 20 and your attacks have a chance to increase Runic Power generation by 20% for 8 sec.
    3+Haste RPPM

  • Rune of Sanguination Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that causes your Death Strike deals increased damage based on the target’s missing health. When you fall below 35% health, you heal for 48% of your maximum health over 8 sec.

  • Rune of Spellwarding Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that deflects 3% of all spell damage and has chance to create a shield that absorbs magic damage equal to 10% of your maximum health. When an enemy damages the shield, their cast speed is reduced by 10% for 6 sec.
    3+Haste RPPM

  • Rune of Unending Thirst Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that grants 10% Haste and movement speed and heals you for 5% of your maximum health when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. Additionally, increases your movement speed while dead by 10%.

  • Rune of the Apocalypse Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that gives your ghoul’s attacks a chance to apply one of the following debuffs to the target, Death: 1% Healing Reduction, War: Increases damage taken by the Death Knight by 1%, Famine: Reduces damage taken by the Death Knight by 2%, Pestilence: Slows the target by 15% and deals (30% Attack power) damage over time.

The facial models look good but the skin still has the same strange cool undertones. :<

The WoWhead folks are going through animations on the face atm, and they’re super not done. Maybe…maaaaaaaaybe, they’ll fine tune the skin? Maaaaaaaaaybe? There is also a possibility that it’ll look better within the game.

idk, i still don’t see what’s wrong with the skin itself

like i wouldn’t mind a few warmer tones too but nothing about the current preview seems all that off to me, especially now that we have actual appropriate faces to go with it

I’m pretty sure it will, I think they’re aware of how keen people are being on their work this time around. All eyes are on them.

To that extent I feel they may return to fix some of the allied races later in the expansion, but I don’t anticipate it’ll be a day one thing. Their workload is definitely tall right now, even without confirming current tasks they’re setting up to tackle.

Alpha is still gonna be alpha. When things hit beta without change I’d say that’s when we can start panicking a bit about them not listening, but so far I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the amount of care they’re taking this time around.


Anyone else just really excited to see Tyraels next expansion? Like, it legit makes ya want to play a MHP.

It’d be shocking if they didn’t. There are a lot of things they need to do for the Legion ARs (at the minimum).

It’s been a really exciting Alpha. Totally hype worthy.


An important thing to remember that I’m surprised a lot of people aren’t talking about, players don’t typically get this much active testing during the alpha builds. They tend to be more unstable, malleable, made and designed so changes can be rolled out quickly. It’s possible these builds are closer to whatever the development team is currently working on, which would make sense since Ion recently straight up said that feedback rarely comes in a timely manner due to the beta builds being several builds behind whatever the team is adjusting. This change in momentum is what I’ve found most fascinating about this beta, it’s a pretty hard to ignore difference from previous expansions. We’re not even hitting the beta yet, which betas are typically meant for bug fixes and stability more so than design.

I think in the past alpha has had a few invitations, but we’re seeing a lot more people testing the work and giving feedback. If this is how they plan to do things going forward, that’s a huge relief to me and may very well be a return to form for Blizzard. When I’m excited for a build rather than dreading it, they’ve gotta be doing something different.

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ooo this sounds cool. tho my desire to play a deathknight because of the new mechanics is competing with my non-desire to play a class everyone else and their mom is going to be playing because of the new mechanics

a real two wolves situation


biggest hope right now is that we see some of the feedback about covenant abilities factored in, because everything else is looking surprisingly good so far

I know this feeling all too well. I wanted to be a demon hunter, back before there were too many. ;_;

(Though if they ever add more races available to demon hunters and orcs were one of them, all bets are off, that’s my new main)


No hope! No hope! aaaAAA

This Alpha seems to have let a lot of folks in.

Yeah things are set in stone once they leave alpha.

The communication this time around has been pretty good, and yeah, this alpha feels like it’s going to be a long one.

What’s your projection on when the game is going to be released? Going for Late October myself.

Dude it’s getting hard to choose a class because it’s all sounding pretty dope. Not to mention the plate sets look damn good this expansion!

Orc/Draenei…as it should have been along with BE/NE

“You can’t kill hope”

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I feel while they may aim for that, they’re probably going to hold off and use the covid situation to cover any legal tracks regarding pre-orders with countries that only allow those for a certain amount of time like Australia. In fact, this is one case where I -HOPE- they delay it till December at the earliest, January at the latest. I believe even Blizzard’s shareholders are aware of how WoW is suffering at the moment, and seeing the feedback for Shadowlands, they probably see dollar signs in their eyes if they can manage to keep this momentum going. Who’da thunk that profit and customer satisfaction could go harmoniously together?

I really want them to get this right. I don’t mind waiting a little longer if they can make a lot more cool stuff, and flesh the systems out.



Orc/Draenei…as it should have been along with BE/NE

I’ll gladly fight alongside you.


Bobby Kotick disdain intensifies.

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Stahp, you’re gonna make me wanna draw concepts now of orc and draenei demon hunters! Oh what the hay, I’ll probably sketch some ideas later, been awhile.

I should probably mention that TBC classic may also be a thing they’ll be saving, possibly releasing a beta build sometime during the activity lull to buy themselves some time, or using the extra time they have to release it early on into Shadowland’s lifecycle to ensure their profit margin stays high once the start-of-expansion boom happens. So while delaying the game might seem bad at first, it’s going to pay off.

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I’m actually okay with this. I think he’s cool and im still mad that they killed him off.

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