[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

In the wake of these new customization, I ask for male pandas to not have their tabards/mogs ruined by that gut.

Let me be slim thicc instead of dummy, please.

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Body positivity man. We’re never gonna have diverse body types so I just learned to love my ridiculous fridge shape


There are still male blood elves there.

You say that like female blood elves aren’t often played by equally as thirsty people.

I’ve seen some sh#t.

It’s a content drought. We’re all thirsty.

outside of like…the general description of the horde, and the overly wordiness of the forsaken one

the new text is a lot more…punchy and colorful.

I like the original goblin one better tho

Just saw this on Reddit.

“Raised into undeath, the Forsaken have built a bold future out of the ruins of a darkened past.”

So we’ll see folks!

((Edit, this text isn’t the same as the cut-scene text, mb))


Ey mon, dats ah funny lookin deadah ya got dere

Ya be trippin’ ya odd dog. Dat be the Boney bruddahs infamation.

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right click for less

It’s true. Genocidal warmongering is among the boldest of futures.


Ten characters


“My you’re a tall one.”

The text people are objecting to is datamined text for the cutscene when you create a undead character in the new starting zone, not the character creation screen description. That text is still there (although it’s inaccessible because you can’t play through the new starting zone as Horde yet).

As for the changes to BfA questing, they are only to the part before you get to Kul Tiras/Zandalar, as Red Shirt Guy himself points out in a tweet that wasn’t included in that screen capture. Currently, the introductory questline has been abbreviated so that you start immediately before going to Kul Tiras—you don’t do the Battle for Lordaeron and the Heart of Azeroth acquisition quest. After you actually make it to Kul Tiras, nothing has changed, other than that the war campaign can’t be started right away (you need to make it to level 35 first).

This does mean that the introduction to Azerite is gone (although it’s still present story-wise while leveling through BfA), and the destruction of Undercity/Teldrassil are barely touched on (although this is more of a problem with BfA as it exists now—they only removed a few quests, it’s just that they’re not really mentioned at all in BfA despite how important they should be to the story).

TL;DR: The weird revisions to the Horde character creation cutscenes are still there. The changes to BfA questing are not as dramatic as they seem—Teldrassil and Undercity are barely mentioned, but not much less than BfA already did. Most of the problems with Teldrassil being ignored already exist, and the biggest change is you don’t experience the fall of the Undercity yourself anymore.


My main issue with their removing the inciting stuff of BfA is mostly that it removes any context the events of questing might have had. Like the Horde attacking Brennadam out of random malevolence, instead of in BfA proper, where they instead attack Brennadam out of…

…random malevolence. Okay, I guess I see the point.


Thanks for making the situation (and context) as clear as possible Thulnir.

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Steve Danuser put out a tweet saying the lines don’t reflect the intended story direction for the Horde and will be changed.


Damn. I may continue to have absolutely no faith, but how dare he respond in an appropriate customer service sort of address.

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Okay, but…placeholders for what, though?

For Bizzaro World of Warcraft.

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