[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

No but it’s visual diarrhea anyway and I don’t want to read a book that uses the same word over and over again. It’s the same running gag that JK rowling has that a character “has gone for a stretch of the legs” or something stupid like that. Repeated phrasing is a huge problem that authors should actively avoid yet most books that are highly praised have this problem.

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WRA should we put up a server canon vote?

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We goin’ full MG Grimmy boi! Huehuehuehue

Full jumpin’ the shark.

Too late. Server canon states that we’re all just humoring a senile Magni

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All of this talk just reinforces that my personal attention is better served admiring the graphics, backpacks, footie pj’s and a potential gnome fro as opposed to trying to follow the story line.

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I’m not asking for sesquipedalian loquaciousness in verb choice, though. I’m just asking for a “muttered” or “snarled” or “declared” or “ordered” where they might be appropriate. As Grimmox already posted, endless repetition of the same word or phrase without variation is bad and makes for boring writing.

How likely do you think it is that something like this is actually written in?

Odds are close to zero. I think in an interview they said they weren’t planning on any more branching stories.

But I can dream!

I’m just at a loss for words about the whole Forsaken thing.

It feels like it’s just a line to mess with dataminers. It has to be.

For full context, here are the rewritten Horde intros posted on WoWhead.

Horde Faction

Grayed out text:
You are a part of the powerful Horde, a united group of disparate races seeking to carve their own path within Azeroth

New text:
You are a solider of the mighty Horde, a diverse band of races from across Azeroth who fight for freedom and honor.

Blood Elf

Grayed out text:
You left the comforts of Silvermoon City to find power and greatness within Azeroth, like many blood elves before you

New text:
Your people, the blood elves, have persevered through tragedy and betrayal. You toil to ensure Azeroth never endures such suffering again.


Grayed out text:
As a goblin, you know there’s no fame to be made sitting at home. You set out for adventure, glory, and gold!

New text:
Unlike other goblins, your Bilgewater cartel has abandoned neutrality to side with the Horde for the promise of adventure… and profit.


Grayed out text:
Your orcish blood thrives for adventure, and you seek to prove your strength and honor.

New text:
Though the orcs came to Azeroth as conquerors, your kind has shed the thirsty ways of old and now stand in defense of your new home.


Grayed out text:
As a member of the wise and peaceful Tauren, you travel through Azeroth to preserve the balance of nature.

New text:
Representing the wise and peaceful Tauren, you bring both physical strength and spiritual resolve to the battlefield.


Grayed out text:
The ferocity and pride of the trolls are known throughout Azeroth. You set off for adventure to prove yourself amongst the many troll heroes

New text:
Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.


Grayed out text:
You bear the curse of the Forsaken, returned from the grave. It is your choice what you do with this second chance at life

New text:
As one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them.

Was that what this was all about, Orcs?! Were you that thirsty?!


the orcs were so thirsty they needed to burn teldrassil so they could drink night elf blood

it was the only way

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Orcs have finally shed their thirsty ways; blood elf females can hang around the wyvern’s tail without being bothered


Most of us are pretty content with our Extra Large Big Gulps from the Quick Trip over in Ratchet.

See, the violence of orcs is directly related to the maximum size of soft drink cups available in the area. Therefore, I propose we put a 7-11 at every flight master.


There is something poetic about the “real” Horde races resenting Blood Elves for so long only to be retconned into Diet Alliance.

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Next we’ll all hold hands and destroy the bad guys with the power of friendship!

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We did that against N’zoth. :crazy_face:


Fair enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

At long last, with those pesky Orcs canonically disavowing their thirst, Blizzard has cleared the path for me to officially become Thirst Queen of the Horde