[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I think in certain cases it’s fine to pre order. I pre ordered both RE remakes, I’ll be pre ordering Vampire: The Masquerade 2.

I personally think Blizzard simply isnt to be trusted.

That said, not everyone feels that way.

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To be fair, they’ve done a bangin’ job with their remakes so far.

I’ve played RE3 Remake and obsessive amount of times

Jill is such a bad&@#. They improved that game in every single way.

Also Carlos Falcon Punching monsters is everything.


I don’t think preordering is necessarily bad, even if I don’t super agree with the practice of it. But preordering from Blizzard after they bootlicked, frauded and sleptwalk their way through an expansion is Charlie Brown levels of stupid.


Pre-ordering is supposed to give a little boost of guaranteed income for the company developing the game. It’s supposed to be that extra bit of cash that can help them fix things up, polish this or that, and generally just improve the game.

Just like everything else in capitalism it’s been abused to death though.

(and I fall for it every time)

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preordering = hella dumb

also bolvar for jailer please blizzard

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He had that job once already.

These are the best thing about SL so far.


yeah but they’re apparently legit named swolekin which is uhhhhh

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why is that uh

they’re just moonkin but swole

so you’re telling me he’s already got the qualifications

Are they? I thought they were just called Stewards and Swolekin was WoWhead having a giggle

i must’ve missed something really silly if they’re actually named that because everything, including the Kyrian generic covenant ability, indicates that they’re stewards

If anything, they could have Swolekin as a placeholder. I can’t imagine Blizzard naming one of their races something so silly…but the Pandaren language is just omnoms nom so maybe?

They’re called Stewards and there is one Steward in a remote location that is called Swolekin as a joke.


Initially I only saw that one screenshot of the “swolekin” lifting weights. But then WoWhead went whole hog on the name, so it’s… unclear. Like, they are stewards in role for sure, but their race is maybe… swolekin.

So this popped up in my YouTube randomly.

Yeah, Swolekin seems like a joke as all the Owl dudes are simply referred as Stewards in every other instance.

They’re swolekin and you will never convince me otherwise.

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So Uther is a bad guy now… maybe? We’re probably going to have to redeem him or something. Or there’s going to be some big twist about how the kyrians are actually evil.

It seems to be that a lot of the Covenants need some “cleaning up.”

For example, Sire Denathrius is the leader of the Venthyr, but the description of the Venthyr states: “Revendreth must always have a master, and rumor suggests that Denathrius, foremost among the venthyr, may no longer be fit for the role.” And, sure enough, Denathrius appears to be a raid boss in the first raid.

So I think Uther and the Forsworn are probably “good” or are at least trying to restore Bastion to how it may have been before. Likewise, I don’t think the Kyrians as a whole will be revealed to be evil, but perhaps there is some corruption at the top?

What I like about the covenant system is how varied they are, we have options for traditional fantasy holy themes, vampire Ravenloft, druids nature magic or necromancer undead stuff. It really feels great that I can have a campaign experience that gives me an experience that I want (Vampire gang for life).

I hope that these campaigns have some meat to them and provides content that feels important through the life cycle of the expansion. Much of what I am seeing from class changes, character customization (Yay boneless undead and devil locks) to the covenants themselves has me very optimistic. I do have some nagging concerns of content itself, I do worry that end game will feel light and meaningful content will burn out quickly. What I am hoping for is that it feels like there’s at least as much to do as there was in Legion.

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