[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

surprised to not see the option for blind eyes in the blood elf stuff. their leader has literally been rocking a blind eye this entire expansion


Right? How is Blizz going to tell me these veterans since BC don’t have scars and such?

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“Breeder politics,” it was referred to as, and it was more or less an attempt to hide bigotry behind a weak lore justification. No elf scene was immune and Night Elves were no exception; we had our share of bigoted “it’s just my character!!!” male Druids wandering around.

Most of them shirtless, as is the norm amongst these types for some reason.


If Blizzard gets a bug up their rear no lore is going to stop them.

Again, lest we forget the Alliance has a spaceship in low orbit that they’ve done nothing with because Blizzard was too damn lazy to program in a single line of broadcast text.

If they want Blood Elves to have blue eyes and Alliance players to go ^%#* off that’s exactly what’s going to happen, lore be damned.

This is part of why people aren’t sure that all those glowing eye options are actually for players. It’s why one of the reasons it’s a strong possibility that they’re for covenant NPCs.

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Right I thought I remembered it being called that.


I think the bottom row with the mismatched eyes is supposed to be a blind non-glowing eye.

But since these are hastily packaged data ripped from an alpha download and slapped on a model by users i don’t expect 1:1 what the final is going be


Man I’m not gonna lie I was kinda hoping for purple eyes like the goofy jello teeth elves had in the warcraft movie


Hey their teeth were stained purple cause they drank grape arcane-aid

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i think they should add the slime teeth customization option

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There are lots of morally-grey or even downright evil elves in Tolkien. Feanor who did nothing wrong and his followers committed the first ever act of mortal-on-mortal violence when they massacred their unarmed Teleri cousins, because the Teleri would not aid them in their mission to defy the Valar (the "gods) and sail to Arda (Middle Earth.)

Eöl, known as “the Dark Elf” basically kidnapped a woman and made her bear his son. Then he tried to kill the son later on, and killed his wife instead when she threw herself in front of his poison dart. For his crimes, the other elves sentenced him to death by throwing him from the wall of Gondolin.

Eol’s son, Maeglor, later helped Morgoth find the location of Gondolin, leading to the deaths of thousands, because he was envious and Morgoth promised him power and a woman he was obsessed with.

The servants of the elf Celegorn left two young boys in the forest in the middle of winter to starve and die. (These were Elured and Elurin, the twin brothers of Elwing, who was the mother of Elrond.)

And this is just a few major examples from one elven House. The Sindar, descendants of the aforementioned Teleri, hunted the petty-dwarves for sport because they saw them as no different than animals. Pretty dark.

In Lord of the Rings, especially the movies, the elves are very wise and reserved, slow to act. So one can be forgiven for assuming elves in the Tolkien legendarium are always “perfect.” But that is simply not the case. Like all Children of Eru, they have free will. It is just they are long lived and have seen, first hand, what can happen when things go wrong because of people being ruled by their passions, or greed, etc. They aren’t these perfect angelic beings unable to understand humanity, but rather long-lived and world-weary, with a wisdom that was hard won through centuries of blood-shed and tragedy.

In that way, they’re not so different from the elves of Warcraft IMO.


Pretty much this. WoWHead is slapping “customizations” on the label and calling it a day. Though if BEs are getting blue eyes, I have a spiteful hope that this means y’all don’t get beards :stuck_out_tongue:

My second spite is that Void Elves are the only AR to get customizations in getting a Two Forms racial.

Getting flashbacks to getting harassed on both MG and WRA for playing a “high elf” in Silvermoon.

Gosh, we sure did want them.


i think it was mentioned earlier in the thread that they’re starting the official customization testing next week?

maybe it’ll address how weird some of it is, like god damn those bronze/tanned blood elf options actually look horrendous. like DK skins but not intended to be gross

my eyes are actually peeling

Coming Soon
We’re unlocking much more content for testing over the next few weeks:

Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Initial Character Creation/Customization Updates
Revendreth (Zone and Covenant)
Halls of Atonement (Dungeon)
Oribos (Capital)

Is all they’ve said, no specific date.

What about void elves?

Mainly just hoping that both camps will get what they want. The easiest fix to this whole dumb debate is to just give VEs a toggle thing similar to Allerias shift.

Cause Alliance players that wanted HEs are going to feel this shade for years and it’s just not healthy.

Though the next best thing would be removing the faction barrier all together
so maybe maybe

lame but also fair enough

This wouldn’t be too hard to do considering Void Elves and how easily the villain bat could come out for Umbric to keep the tradition of having the youngest Windrunner sister hate an older sister.

Vereesa’s* responsible for the violence of the Purge of Dalaran, so I’d rather we don’t get her. Not saying it’s impossible because I’m sure Blizzard won’t care if that’s what they want to do, but it sure would make me a salty boy.

edit: wrong v-name elf