[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Personally, I enjoyed WoD because I could log on whenever and not feel like I was behind. Honestly, this is true throughout BC-WoD in my case.

I enjoyed raid logging or popping on to RP and logout until raids.


Type A personalities man, don’t underestimate the allure. One of my coworkers is a recovered WoWaholic himself. I consider him a pretty chill dude. He still is an obsessive gamer when it comes to what snares his interest and he absolutely HAS TO HAVE the very best stuff even if he’s going to put down the game shortly and never return to it.

This is a guy who hard reset one of those predatory mobile games that gives out a free hero for new accounts until he got one of the rarer/better drops.


So apparently conduits aren’t interchangable if you want to replace your tank one with a DPS one. This is not spec swapping friendly and pretty concerning.

Think of them like gems. Once it’s in, it’s in and if you replace it, it’s gone for good. You’ll have to reobtain that tank conduit.

please tell me we can at least catch afterlife fish


yeah, I liked when they built on and continued systems instead of just…introducing new currencies every month.

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We’re catching the souls of all the fish we’ve caught before.

Spectral Dark Herring seeks more than your life this time


Yeah, it doesn’t seem like it worked at all. If anything, it had the opposite effect. Even Asmongold quit BfA for a while (even before Classic) lol which says quite a bit.

Full disclosure, I don’t know much about business and even less about game design. But my theory is they know this. That doesn’t mean they’re going to move away from trying to boost play time, but I do think they’re going to work a little harder to obfuscate through gameplay that that’s what they’re doing.

My partner and I absolutely adore how much we can do in WoW together compared to other games and we dipped out when things didn’t look like they were getting better by 8.2

I love WoW, I love Azeroth and the lore around it, but my goodness BfA was so obnoxiously a hamster wheel from islands to Azerite armor to the mythic chest having not given me a 475 ilvl trinket save for ONE that was actually the worst I could have gotten all of 8.3…

I enjoy playing alts as well and that’s been pretty impossible for me to do since the cloak’s introduction. I didn’t loathe visions initially, but since I’ve been running them from day one and they’re the same thing every time with awful affixes… I just can’t bring myself to do the 2 hour of fetch questing required to unlock visions of boredom.

Sorry to rant a bit.

…I’m incredibly hopeful Torghast will be to my liking. I love rogue-likes and I want to play my alts for more than just old raid farming.


This is where I’m at. In fact, I still enjoy myself in visions. What I don’t enjoy is them being mandatory on any character that wants any semblance of effectiveness, or the entry fee to get in. It neuters alts like crazy, which sucks because this expansion is the first time since Wrath that I’ve actually had a main, and this time it’s more or less not by choice.


They’re changing ‘Every Man for Himself’ to ‘The Will to Survive’ come SL. Which is nice because the saying “Every Man for Himself” made no sense when 9/10 times it’s used offensively.

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Should have called it “human potential”.


BfA’s gameplay failing was from unscalable system bloat. From things like Islands and Warfronts becoming unnecessary or boring, to Azerite gear being independent of player agency (since nobody could target a piece of gear) and not patching the hole artifacts left behind, to the constant layering of more stuff (essences, corruption, etc).

Turns out when you have a problem, the answer isn’t to just ignore it and throw more new things into the pot. Even if you don’t have a problem, throwing new things into the mix every major patch leaves people overwhelmed and bewildered over time if you don’t phase out other content. It’s a corner they put themselves into - if all aspects of gameplay yield the same rewards, all aspects of gameplay begin to feel mandatory to progression-driven players. And when your whole game model is built around time-gated progression, you’re making everyone feel pressured to do everything.


I’m going to miss the ironic contrast of one racial being “Every Man for Himself” and another being “Diplomacy”.


Spoilers for Shadows Rising novel below


Am I the only one irritated by the fact that we find out Saurfang, who was complicit in the murder of innocent Night Elf civilians up until the burning of Teldrassil got to go to a good afterlife with his son and wife? According to Bwonsamdi in the book. So while innocent Kaldorei men, women, and children suffer for an eternity in the Maw Saurfang gets to have a peaceful afterlife??? Really?

Now could Bwonsomdi have been lying or just showing Zekhan what he wanted to see? I guess it is possible, but I don’t think that’s the case. This just seems like BS to me.


If he went to the maw he’d probably have to appear in-game, with 5 worshipful fully-rendered cut-scenes as we adventure through it, so going to the zug fields of serenity might be a mercy for players


I would have liked to see the zug fields of serenity ingame as one of the covenants. Something more inline with the orcish/tauren concept of an afterlife.

Maybe replace one of the two dark/edgy covenants with that


Blizzard: The afterlife is broken and literally everyone, no matter what, goes to Superhell when they die.

Also Blizzard: not our fave tho :slight_smile:


I can’t say for certain but from my understanding Bwonsamdi is the reason Saurfang got sent to good afterlife… So Bwonsamdi can just redirect and save souls, but Elune an actual god can’t save some of the Night Elf souls?? Okay Blizzard.


Bwonsamdi: I can pull souls from the Maw and send them to their normal good afterlife, so I used it on this random orc that I don’t care about and literally nobody else ever


You all using the spoiler collapsing feature are peaches.