[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I may be in the minority here, but I don’t like this. Not the non-answer, that’s actually pretty appropriate given it’s alpha, but the idea of a timeskip.

We’re all painfully aware of how loopy warcraft’s timeline is, and I’ll admit to being hard pressed to suggest that getting zucked into am alternate dimension / plane isn’t a fitting narrative opportunity to have one… But I just don’t like the application. It seems almost too convenient, and also frustratingly detatched and impersonal. The world is gonna go on and these sweeping changes might occur and we’re just not going to get to interact with them or experience them in a living world. It seems antithetical to the purpose of having an mmo if every time something important happens it’s already history and we don’t actually participate.

But maybe that’s just me. On to the lols.

Made an entire new building and questline. Immediately become worthleas. Absolutely classic.

So give dungeon sets different bonuses? We keep walking on eggshells around the big question of exactly how to reward effort / difficulty without stepping on raiders toes. How about we do something about raiding instead? It doesn’t have to reward the best loot in the game, you’re allowed to have comparable gameplay avenues contrary to what the community may scream.

Edit; I’ve caught a bit of discussion about this and I guess I under valued some things, between how powerful the bonuses could be and how much apparently the community hates being “locked in” to bis pieces. I don’t know why given that’s like, the whole point. I loosely recall the whinging about it back before they removed them and I get it in theory but remain kinda middling about it all. It sucked that the bonuses overwrote any non set gear even from higher difficulties. But it hasn’t stopped Artifacts, or Azerite, or Soulbinds and Covenants, or legendaries so, I dunno man, I feel like we can achieve a better middle ground.

Full disclosure, I’m not wholly against this. It’s actually probably one of the least offensive examples of a transmog restriction. But you’re still struggling with the gameplay part and I feel like maybe we should be more concerned with covenant abilities not feeling like raid / dungeon pigeon holes first.

Another thing I don’t disagree with in principle but in practice maybe we could just make rep grinds not feel like garbage?