*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Really which 3 zones did the Horde lose as the kick off to an expansion?

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Say it again but this time on your Horde main.

Just stop. Prior to the changes Alliance had more zones then the horde. You are just being whiney because Faction balance is more equalized. Instead of fully Alliance controlled.


You should post on your Horde main. Also make Horde questing better didn’t require tons of Alliance losses. 4 years of “Alliance bias” vs 10 going on 11 years of true Horde bias.

Finally! Thank you blizzard. One of the most annoying characters. About time too. Now Malfurion can step up and actually be useful and lead his people instead of sleeping in a cave all day. Now if we could get rid of jaina too.

Take off the Victim Glasses. Alliance has had their own Bias in their areas as well. Or do you easily forget how often the Horde Warchief gets ousted? And that the Horde capitols was a center of a Raid not only once, but twice. One of which provides an achievement and title. So tired of whiny alliance trying to sound like they are the victim of unfair treatment.


Funny that you assume I have a horde main hon ;D I got buds on both factions and picked druid because of the neutrality factor they’ve had for years [and fighting as a cat or bear is rather enjoyable] My main as a matter of fact is actually a gnome,close second being homeboy here and third being a dwarf. Also the post is only a mess to those who keep perceiving anything bad that happens in this game as this deliberate,insidious case of bullying and oppression when it really isn’t. I’m posting my thoughts on the matter because faux victimhood like this is why nightelf players get a bad rap and it gets really old [which is why I leveled my diminutive hunter first,that and I like gnomes and dwarves better :stuck_out_tongue:] But apparently gotta be apart of the hivemind or else you’re secretly a horde main,GG.


holey rusted metal, batman. rut roh, ree roy. :open_mouth:


I sincerely hope the Bias swaps.

You realize this means Anduin dies. Probably Shaw and Genn as well. Go ahead and throw Ms Sanguinar in there.

Who ever replaces Anduin? Dead next expansion.

Basically, you don’t get stable leadership for the next decade while losing multiple leaders every expansion.

You realize the Horde lost 3 major lore characters in BFA right?

The biggest thing I have gathered from the forums is that if something is not 100% Alliance, then its 0% Alliance.

Its near impossible to get these Alliance complainers to admit Legion was even Alliance leaning, despite it was almost entirely about the Alliance characters.


but but but dude, Those characters which was Alliance races was neutral so it had nothing to do with the Alliance. Because representation of race doesn’t matter
except when its elves of course. Then
then we got a issue.


Hm? Last I checked Darkshore and all the Night Elf lands were reclaimed.

That is the one thing I do like about FF14. They may save characters and stories for later but they do resolve things in their story.

When are we going to talk about the giant Fing sword in our planet. We had some major lore characters just standing outside by it yet not a single bit of story on how they’re going to deal with it. The “woon” is leaking massive amounts of azerite (Remember the stuff we started a massive war over?)

Blizz started almost 25 different stories in this expansion and resolved like 0.5 / 10 of them.


Blizzard have always been thoughtless in their writing. This doesn’t surprise me.

OP your playing a game called warcraft. Genocide yea thats war. Example Gettysburg 50,000+ wounded and KIA. Antietam they still dont have the exact numbers even today. My point is if you dont want Genocide in your game, then dont play a game with the words war in them. I mean really?

As for the Night Elfs Ill give you that, they never did the Night Elves right from launch. They were treated too much like humans. However in recent years they have added more Night Elf looks to Night Elf npcs.

I also agree they started this slaughter they have to end it correctly, you just cant close the book and say the end.

You know it can be inferred that Nigh Elves reclaimed Ashenvale. As the Horde army was defeated in Darkshore and without any forces left between there and Orgrimmar they would need to abandon their holdings in Ashenvale.

This is further confirmed with a planned Azshara warfront that never made it in the game

If this means I get an on screen reconquering of Ashenvale then take them. I don’t care about worthless Human characters that constantly get in my way. Kill them as brutally as you like.


Sorry, Tyrande also dies. So does Velen.

I’m not sure I’ll ever understand why Night Elf players feel so picked on and scream so loudly about it. You’d think they were the only race in WoW to have lost something.


They have lost everything, unthinkable crimes have been commited against them and praised as heroic feats. The race is in ruins now and instead of making things better, they give us even more tragedy now while glorifying genocide just because it was against this specific race. Really makes you think


The Kingdom of Lordaeron was decimated and ruined. Their people exist now as the Forsaken, cursed with a hellish existance among the damned.

The Kingdom of Gilneas was brought to its knees, and without the aid of the NIght Elves, would have been ravaged by the Worgen Curse.

The Gnomes of Gnomeragon suffered a grave betrayal and still don’t have their city back.

The Darkspear Tribe faced years of exile at the hands of other tribes, and without the Horde, would have been sunken with their island. Later on, the reign of Hellscream saw their number lined up and executed after an assassination was attempted on Vol’jin. And then Vol’jin died in Legion.

We can scorekeep all day. The unfortunate reality is that different groups spend different periods of time in the spotlight, and for different lengths of time and for different stories.

Barely anyone gets out of Warcraft unscathed. The anticipation should be that everyone is going to get hit with some very, very bad times sooner or later.