*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

I wouldn’t mind seeing this, but maybe blizz creating a direct route between hyjal and ashenvale? To bypass felwood. Ashenvale could be another night elf hub vs darkshore if hyjal becomes the NE capital.

Yea I don’t think blizz will ever take away Ashenvale from the Horde, they probably wouldn’t even give Hyjal to the Night Elves.

To be honest I already expected to get banned from this, I’m surprised it got restored, wouldn’t surprise me if blizz just banned all Night Elf complaint / feedback threads…

I wouldn’t count on it either. Silvermoon is still damaged. The Scourge still attack it. The Legion is still invading the Isle of Quel’thalas. It’d take an Azeroth sized rebuild for them to update all the areas damaged.

We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree there. I find that notion absurd.

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Yeah, according to the devs the Alliance got Gilneas back. And Stromgarde. And they won Darkshore. Why is none of this portrayed in game?


Yeah I worded that wrong. I meant since the games (WoW), not before, my bad. I know she has had participations, and the pre WoW Tyrande is one I like a lot as well as pre WoW Night Elf Lore.

But assisting, well, is something any leader do. however, before the game I acknowledge her doings. Like freeing Illidan who was the only one that could’ve saved us. (In fact, this end up saving the world in Outland too, lol.)

I would love to send my characters to a restored Teldrassil, Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Gilneas, etc. But they’re Alliance. So it’s not happening :frowning:

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The horde doesn’t really hold ashenvale right now, they mostly occupied darkshore, and best evidence is that they lost to Tyrande and her forces.

I guess it’s just a bummer that ashenvale completely lost its importance to the night elves after wc3

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Yes because Silvermoon was so restored and I’m sure Undercity will get the same treatment, lol.

I don’t think the Night Elves will get it back, they gave us Darkshore after over a year and they have been wanting to give Ashenvale to the Horde for a long time, now they finally got the opportunity to do that…

Well, we do have unemployed Demon Hunters right now, so they could remove the demos. That should diminish the fel influence making the work of priests and druids much easier to reclaim the land. Whisperwind Grove is an excellent example, and that was completed w/o the help of the Demon Hunters.

OP it’s quite simple you know how everyone praises the art team for carrying modern wow? The writing team is the exact opposite of that.


How are you still alive irl? This isnt a threat or something but, I mean with that outlook on life “night elves always fail their objectives… its just the fantasy of the race to fail and have tragedies happen as a result.” Sorry but it seems to be something that is either too much of an impact on your life or something.

You seem to have a very healthy outlook on things.

aside from that, someone mentioned the rommath and the benedictus stuff earlier, and yeah that was datamined even in voice files. and Shadowlands seems pretty early in development from what i have seen, and usually the voice files that are released early are… Well… Early stuff, and some of it are leftovers basically.

We havent seen the stuff yet about Ardenweald or (and perhaps more importantly) the night fae campaign, as i suppose it will have more of an impact there.

aside from that, Warcraft is like comic book mixed with fantasy setting.

It is a video game get over yourself. Genocide is what happens all the time. Or are you saying you don’t go around slaughtering Naga’s and Furbolgs? Those are sentient beings. You are committing genocide. You are a monster and should face the consequence.


And in what way are they putting people down?

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Nothing I can really add here that the OP didn’t cover so I’ll just say that I fully support this thread.

What I can add actually is that sadly it seems the ones who hate Night Elves are the writers with the most power in The Dojo and anything they perceive as negative, aka any and all forms of criticism, is not allowed in The Dojo. So unless we see a full restructure of the writing team we can probably expect to continue only getting treated like second rate customers.

You poor poor oppressed elves. You never get anything new and shiny…ohwait.


Putting Night Elf fans down by destroying the race and making things worse and worse always without ever going uphill again.

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Sounds like the Horde story line for most of WoW’s life.

Maybe the Alliance should have stopped asking for the same treatment and focus the Horde gets. Because. Well. You got it.


Oh good lord we’re not being oppressed,it’s a video game for crying out loud,by your argument tauren players should also feel perpetually oppressed because they had a pretty hefty loss with taurajo,sure not as big but it was still pretty devastating to some. Oh wait,they’re horde so that means it’s somehow deserved because “They’re all evil because reasons so they deserve all the bad things ever” which is a pretty asinine way of thinking[ if one should speak against genocide then all those affected and not just nightelves should be championed] and would show a bit of a double standard given we’re not exactly squeaky clean either.

Nobody in this franchise are squeaky clean in terms of warfare and bloodshed,the mass majority of each race regardless of faction at one point has done something completely fracked up and someone at one point was on that receiving end,so this isn’t a conspiracy to keep the nightelves down and imply “Learn your place subhuman pleb!!!”,it’s more or less just the effects of war which is why I’m kinda glad the faction war narrative is dying down. [sorta] War sucks what else can be said?