*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Oh you don’t have to worry about the night elf genocide since we’ll probably find out it was justified in Shadowlands since Sylvanas is(probably) going to be our “savior”.


What a gyp.

Well that’s completely different. That’s more game play dictating lore.
But I understand why players would think Anduin would be the king of the alliance. In MoP, blizz introduced this idea of a high king completely out of nowhere for Varian to make a counterpart for the horde warchief. Then, when he died, his son inherited the role automatically with absolute zero explanation. This speaks more of blizz’s ongoing problem of struggling to identify and write alliance identity.

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Can’t wait for them to tell us that genocide is heroic and a good thing just to keep Sylvanas and Nathanos around for even longer.

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Can someone give me a link to the datamined voices, please?

From what I understand her boy toy is going to be a raid/dungeon boss in Shadowlands. So perhaps we’ll kill him, but I’m doubting it.

I don’t think they are as near to extinction as you think they are.

I don’t think she ever loved the Horde much less respected it, but she certainly wasn’t above using it to get what she wanted.

She really became a completely different person after she was resurrected by Arthas…to survive monsters, she had to become one. Unfortunately, when you look too long into the abyss it tends to look back and that survivalist mindset was slowly warped into being an excuse to do terrible things because it was ‘necessary.’

Her betrayal of the Horde was frankly an inevitability. That people believed for so long that she cared about them and still do is merely testament to how good of an actor she was and how adept she was at manipulating feelings to get the result she desired.


Ya I always assumed they were much nicer when alive. https://i.imgur.com/BrDWJ4d.jpg

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again 10000% in your corner. Night Elves deserve better then this, it angers me to no end how little presence they have in game right now. ( not that it was much more beforehand )

We need more places like feathermoon stronghold, show us some night elf military might. Ashenvale specifically needs to fully come back under NE control kick the dam Warsong orcs out.

Fun fact I loved the two human Paladin NOC back in vanilla at maestra’s point it was nice to see some alliance there wanting to help.

Anyway I’m with you on this all the way.


That’s not happening though. There’s literally nothing that says she dies.

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At this point I don’t think the vocal NE fans will be happy with anything other than the Night elves flawlessly and easily beating the Horde all by themselves.

They aren’t worried about looking “weak”, they want to be mary sues.

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Do you have the source? I didn’t find it on wowhead

“well we wanted to, but there just wasn’t time so some story beats will have to wait until the first patch, or maybe 9.2”

“Then her fate is sealed, my condolences but you must let her go, for your sake as well as her’s”

“My apologies Shandris, it is not easy for me to speak of the night warrior”

“I know not if the night warriors fate can be averted, but i’ll do all that i can to aid you”

“As Elunes Dark power raged within me, Kadarin and i cycled the power into his body”

“The ritual cost us our lives”

Also in a different interview, Danuser mentioned that there will be a sad cutscene / moment for the Night Elves.

I don’t really hold out much hope of there being any real redemption for Night Elf players, Blizzard has repeatedly demonstrated that they really don’t know how to write Alliance nor care to cough cough High King

Seriously, they legitimately thought killing one measly Val’kyr constituted vengeance for Night Elf players for the Horde destroying their lands, their tree, and genociding their population to WC3 High Elf levels.

And the end of the expansion relegated the Alliance to a footnote that only existed to celebrate Horde ‘honor’ and give a blanket pardon to everyone.

You can’t expect cerebral much less an emotional understanding of proper Alliance story development by people who shout ‘Lok’Tar Ogar!’ at every Blizzcon and suggest Alliance players roll Horde if they don’t like it.

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Well that’s that. to keep the lore consistent Tyrande and every player NE who got the Night warrior customization has to die. Sorry to see y’all go but thems the breaks.

So you don’t even understand what you’re talking about. We go on a questline shortly after Tyrande gets herself stuck in Torghast. In this questline we meet the two previous Night Warriors who screwed up the ritual and couldn’t handle the power of the Night Warrior.

This literally means nothing.

SO WHAT? I could say Talanji had a tear-jerking cinematic. Does that mean she died? No her dad did!

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It means that Night Warriors die, plus he is talking to Shandris.

Tyrande is the Night Warrior, so she will die.

That’s a shock. I thought Night Elves were totally immortal. Especially after the whisps nuked Nordrassil.

Because Shandris is working to save her.

Ever thought that maybe Tyrande can handle it?

SO WHAT? I could say Talanji had a tear-jerking cinematic. Does that mean she died? No her dad did!

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