*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

How do you know she dies?

And if she does, how do you know she stays dead? Or does she come back as something really horrible, like Elune, and take over where Sylvanas drops off?

voice overs from the Shadowlands Alpha saying that her fate is sealed and that Night Warriors die.

They don’t the data does not reflect anything at most it reflects that she is possibly dying due to the nightwarrior thing, many possible scenarios could come from that.

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This is not the horde. Anduin isn’t her king. Are you a blizz writer?


That’s right, because we have a council of equals instead of a high king.

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And that took how many mad tyrants and genocides to form?

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Less than it took for the Alliance to form on the ashes of the land they stole from massacred trolls and other natives.

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Irrelevant nonsense. Answer the question and stop derailing the thread.


Since when?

I kinda thought all the alliance answered to the Wrynn royalty.

Since always. It’s an alliance, not a kingdom. There is no king of alliance.

This is like when Vol’jin said that Garrosh’s gonna die in SoO? Well, it didn’t happened.

So you’re saying that every faction within the alliance are free to do whatever they like? They answer to no one?

That actually is exactly right…though when actions and issues arise they call for a meeting with Wrynn family to discuss them. Most of the alliance races are kingdoms that govern themselves. The “alliance” is a military friendship when their kingdoms are put in threats path.

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I did. You just didn’t like the answer and chose to ignore the fact that the Alliance races engaged in a whole lot of genocide back in the day to take all the good land.

The Alliance races are politically independent, but the High King is the military commander of all members’ combined forces.

Its common for blizzard to completely leave entire body plots unfinished or un-middled.


Ultimately yes. It’s why Genn also disagreed with Anduin to help the night elves take back Darkshore. He isn’t their king, he doesn’t command them.

Nonsense, Daddy Anduin command all alliance races UwU

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If this is true, I can’t understand why we aren’t free to choose whichever faction we’d like to play on.

An alliance tauren, a Horde kul tiran…

As much as I am a follower of “Blizz hates Night Elves”, How is this?

The Night Elves with a weakened army were going to kill the Warchief (more Malfurion than anything) even having been hit by a surprise attack. The Horde was at an inch to lose the entire war in a prepatch against the Night Elves despite their surprise assault and trickery.

This is not week by any means. Of course, there are things I disliked, like Night Elves being scared in Ashenvale but when you raided Undercity, the Forsaken villagers were fighting back. (Wich is one of many reasons I think Blizz likes to “bully” this race to dumb levels)

And they recovered Darkshore, only Night Elves and Worgen. Not counting Sylvanas and Nathanos powercreep, they looked good (still always being hit by Blizz).

I’d say Blizz just needs to kick the Horde out of it and just put a Bronze Dragon. If they do it to destroyed cities, do it for instances too. I’d love to see Darkshore and Ashenvale all for the Night Elves.

Because your government decide which faction you join.