I think the apology for Theramore is meant to cover the vaporization of the physical location called Theramore as well as the capture and torture/murder of most of its civilian population as a result of the military actions that preceded and followed said vaporization.
It’s also disingenuous to say “Jaina killed more people than died at Theramore” when we have never had hard numbers for casualties nor will we ever have said numbers.
And your smug sense of superiority is undeserved especially because you still haven’t cited any actual statistics or sources. We don’t actually have any numbers. How do you know categorically that what you’re saying is fact? I asked you to cite the fact to me. If it is a fact it should be something quantifiable that you can prove. So prove it.
Kindie Sparkshine died in Theramore, so that is at least a total of 1 civilian that died in Theramore, which is more than your previously claimed 0. So what you claimed was a fact is not a fact.
Give me official numbers and statistics. That’s what I’m taking issue with here. I’m not arguing that one is less or more bad than the other I am taking you to task on what you claim is a fact.
Keep in mind that blood elf lives are only worth about a quarter of a Human life when you finish collecting the data that supports the facts.
That’s all that she should really have to offer if the Alliance is also going to be forgiving the Horde for what they’ve done too.
Whelp, it’s official. I hate the Red Alliance more than I hate the blue one now.
I hope Blizzard actually let us fight for Sylvanas at some point instead of having us ‘play along’, making our choices utterly meaningless. Even if it’s just a short scenario to kill as many rebels as possible before we’re defeated. Just something other than ‘playing along’.
From what I understood it was suppose to clarify aspects of the story, while serving as a gate way. For example Volume 1 set up the Nightborne story and Volume 3 ended the Zandalari story on a cliffhanger about an old threat assaulting them which BfA revealed to be the blood trolls.
I’m not sure that makes any sense. Red Alliances actions are pretty logical if you are anti-slyvie. She was the one that wanted this war to begin with. If she hadn’t attacked Teld, things would have remained neutral and Genn’s attack on Slyvie in Legion makes sense ever since the Alliance PC went to Helheim and learned that Slyvie was working with Helya. Remember, it was that attack by Genn that Sylvie used to convenience Saurfang of even the need to attack Teld to begin with, and it never felt like he was really ever really on board with the plan in the first place. Saurfang never really knew what she was properly up to there.
Realistically, this all really all falls on Slyvie as the one that started this whole mess when it didn’t have to be this way. This garbage with her goes all the way back to the Wrathgate attack. She’s always had to her Agenda, and damn those that get in her way. The Horde is just another arrow in her quiver. A tool to be used, nothing more.
I want a valid reason to fight the Alliance. I want to kill humans and burn down homes without being given terrible illogical reasonings for it, I want to be the Orciest Orc who’s ever Zugged without Blizzard going “wow I can’t believe you’d do that” and shunning me into worshipping a green human.
Garrosh was perfect until 5.3 made him into Zug Hitler. Now BfA is telling us to all be friends and the only people who have beef with the Alliance are another Hitler parallel.
It’s… almost like history teaches us that IS the natural path of anybody that desires War. You want a valid reason to kill, but Blizz has made it fairly plain that other than because of a few missteps, overall the Alliance wants peace. So if you want to kill Alliance, it’s only evil Zugs for you.
I don’t disagree with this statement. It still makes it what it is.
You are correct, they didn’t die in Theramore. The fleeing civilians where rounded up by Garrosh’s forces, marched to Org, and killed for sport in front of their children for Garrosh’s amusement. That is much better.
I never claimed it was “better”, I just pointed out that it wasn’t part of “what happened at Theramore”. The fact that is was part of a massacre that included Horde civilians and occurred after the Horde already split gives it a completely different dynamic. But it you want to up (or have) a civilian body count in Theramore, you need to do something, because the civilians had already been evacuated when the manabomb dropped.
With how often Horde people point out what ended up happening to CampT civilians in the wilderness after it was sacked, pointing out what happened to Theramore citizens directly after the bombing they were fleeing from is more than fair game. The Horde can’t have this both ways, especially with how often people drag CampT out of the wordwork as an example of Alliance atrocities.
Ugh, see this is why Goblin engineering is ACTUALLY so unstable. I mean it’s not like Gallywix put a lot of money in this project ya know, so that cannon was made on a shoestring budget, and now we gotta figure out how to turn the damn thing without anymore funds?!