(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

After all, the black spear killed the naga who came to their island and it was the same naga, didn’t it?

Except she doesn’t lose.

She literally just emerges from the Maw and repels Sylvanas and the Mawsworn, closes the portal and saves Ardenweald.

Unless you’ve got a really messed up definition of losing.


her argument is Sylvanas completes her objective anyway. So who cares what token win Tyrande gets.


“Tyrande’s victory over Sylvanas doesn’t matter because Tyrande only won after Tyrande showed up” is a weird take.


The Jailer wouldn’t be much of a villain if he just stayed stuck in the Maw the entire expansion. He has to win first to be a plausible threat.

The Sigils are just a MacGuffin to get the Jailer out of the Maw. It would be absurd to set them up only to have him not succeed.

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The writers could have written Tyrande saves the Heart when she showed up which would have denied Sylvanas her objective.

Because as always Tyrande fails by winning. Sylvanas wins by failing.
On my end I don’t care, they can burn all of shadowlands in fel fire it wouldn’t affect my investment in the franchise one way or another. I am invested in the classic zones and continents, seeing Duskwood in peril is a way bigger deal for me than Ardenwald and whatever else.

But thats a personal take.

I agree with that. I was only explaining what Ethriel was arguing.
PS. if they made the Jailer’s nipples just a size bigger then he won’t need any more mcguffins to become a credible threat.


Because the Night Elf souls were supposed to have a new home there, and now that’s also destroyed

She doesn’t save Ardenweald though, Sylvanas succeeds in destroying the heart.

Uh Tyrande didn’t achieve anything and Sylvanas got what she wanted, now who won?

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They are dead. Who cares. We already established most of the afterlives suck anyways.

I do, because it’s their eternal afterlive and they were the victims of genocide and torture.

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They are dead and gone.
They don’t matter anymore, their souls will get recycled.


What I find fascinating is that the Jailer needs the sigils…but doesn’t seem interested in killing the other eternal ones.

The Primus is alive, the Archon survives, the Winter Queen trades her sigil for hostages…they’re all alive and all of their domains remain intact.


She literally does though?

Saving Ardenweald doesn’t count?

They are not gone, and Ardenweald was a better place to live than Azeroth.

They do and the souls won’t get reclycled (whatever your definition of that is)

It’s not saved when the heart is destroyed, the heart was what’s keeping the zone intact.

Then Sylvanas did them a favor didn’t she? So why do you hate her?
Whats a little momentarily torture by burning for eternal salvation?

All souls get recycled.

You’re literally headcanoning to justify your humiliation fetish. The Heart isn’t destroyed, the Sigil is taken.


I still have a hairbrained theory that the Jailer and the Eternal Ones were all part of a sort of immortal adventuring party when the universe was reborn and they spent a ton of time protecting and defending the Shadowlands together until finding Oribos and the Arbiter.

That’s why he isn’t killing any of them, because he wants them to be together as a team again, just in the way he believes is ‘proper’.


Is the sigil one of the keys?

Yes. And by the end of questing, Jailer has them all which leads to the events of the raid.

Off topic am I the only one that cringes when they hear old ones and first ones and so on?

Seems like the new writing team’s attempt at creating the Titans the initial lore introduced but much more… amateurish.