[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

As much as you dislike her, she’s a part of Arthas’s story. She’s a main character in this expansion.


And everyone else has to stay silent? Both Jaina and Uther, people who were just as affected by Arthas were in that cinematic and they did not get any word regarding his fate?

Wrath of The Lich King(thanks to the Shadowmorne epilogue questing) at least had the good grace of allowing everyone who was affected by Arthas’ action to get their own personal closure of the whole thing. And allowed say Jaina to remain hopeful while letting Sylvanas be as spiteful as she wants. This entire thing was an inferior version of that.


But it is a bit funny that doing so was part of her fate too according to the story. By seeking to destroy fate, she was actually going down the path of her own, pre-determined fate. One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it.

And honestly it makes the story worse when rebelling against the system IS still serving and following the system. I really hate stories that ultimately become, “everything you do is what you were always meant to do”. We kinda already had this with the whole “true timeline” the Bronze dragonflight was meant to protect, but the future was never written in stone. It is why the only future we visit through the caverns of time is End Time. An alternative future. One that could still happen at the time we go to it.

It also takes agency away from the void and the light. Where the former sees multiple “truths” but tries to manipulate events to their desired outcome. While the latter only sees one path and will stop at nothing to ensure that it happens.


Uther points out what happened to him. Someone pointed out his guilt in being a part of that.

Jaina may have complex feelings regarding Arthas, but she’s had years and a stable soul to move on.

Sylvanas is his most iconic victim. Her character arc starts because of him. Of course she’s going to have final words for him, especially now that she’s more introspective.


And I think the entire cinematic was worse for it. And I am not the only one. Especially considering all we know now. Arthas was as much a victim of the Jailer as anyone else. Heck, Sylvanas pretty much says she became him and yet he gets oblilerated why she walks free?


First off wow this thread is still going after all this time? that’s something there.

This cinematic was in a way the closure she never got in WotLK as Arthas was already dead and gone by the time she arrived. She got the short end of the stick back then.


Yes and he’s free from that torture now. He’s been more broken down than Sylvanas.

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Arthas only ended up in the maw because of Devos and Uther. Mainly Uther. It is why the cinematic focused mainly on him and Sylvanas. They were both victims but also became him in time, even if it was for a short time with Uther. If it wasn’t for Uther acting all judge, fury and executor who knows where Arthas would end up. Given that Ner’zhul was in the maw, it is possible that Denathrius threw Ner’zhul into the maw for Uncle Z. So if Arthas was meant to go to Revendreth, he would’ve shared the same fate.

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Might be me, I dunno, but using the Arthas was just as much a victim is often used to dismiss the very real trauma sylvanas suffered at the hands of Arthas though.

It’s….I’ll just say the implications aren’t good. Especially because only a select few keep using that excuse

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The Jailer mentioned early on that all the Lich Kings had been failures to him so Arthas was likely bound for the Maw regardless if the Arbiter, Denathrius, or Uther/Devos put him there.

I don’t think that Uther and Devos changed the destination for Arthas, just the Journey to get there.

It is what makes the cycle of abuse a problem for everyone involved. If the cycle continues, the abused becomes the abuser to someone else. And the cycle repeats. I mean Catra in the Netflix she-ra became like Shadow Weaver and worse throughout the story. And look where it put her. Dead. In the hands of the person she hated but also loved. Until Adora brought her back with magic.

However the Shadow Weaver Catra relationship is more complicated than Arthas and Sylvanas. Mainly because SW raised Catra, as much as she didn’t want to. Although neither Adora nor Catra actually forgive SW for what she did to them. However it is hard not to give into emotions of sadness when your “mother” dies for you. Even if it was their only moment of kindness and selflessness.

No-one is denying that Arthas did evil things, however he was targeted by Ner’zhul to be his pawn and later vessel. We have seen alternative versions of stories where Arhas would be if it wasn’t for that. Although I did find it funny when Mal’ganis referred to Arthas as his “greatest pawn”. Like bro, you were both pawns.

I feel like no matter which approach blizzard took with this story arc Alex placed them on, it would always look bad. Personally I don’t like how Sylvanas forgave Arthas. It is not selfish if the abused doesn’t forgive the abuser. Even if they do become like them or worse.


So the solution is to let the abuser keep doing the abusing?

Weird how you would come to that conclusion from that. Typical Smallioz, cherry pick something and try take it out of context.

The solution is for the abused, if they are on the path to becoming an abuser to stop the cycle. The abuser won’t change because they enjoy the position of power. So it is up to the abused to find a way to leave or stand up for themselves. They also don’t have to forgive their abuser to do this. Usually having a fresh relationship or someone who is going down a similar dark path helps. Catra had Melog and Glimmer respectively. Despite growing up in two contrasting environments, both Catra and Glimmer ended up being similar. It is why both of them are trapped on Horde Primes ship at the end of season 4.

Well if stopping the abuse isn’t the answer then what is?
You are saying this act continues the cycle of abuse… so whats the solution?

When did I ever say that stopping the abuse is not the answer and it actually continues the cycle?

You keep putting words into my mouth.

its wierd how you completely rewrite your entire post to what I initially responded to.
Am I supposed to go back and edit back my entire reply?

Which one? I finished editing the first post you responded to around the time you replied to it. So my edit had nothing to do with you.

And the second one was just to further continue my point. Since you clearly missed it the first time around.

Both times actually. If I respond now will there be any more edits? Or do I have your go ahead?

Smallioz, why are you so angry. Not my fault you missed the point entirely.

I have made it known that I tend to edit my posts almost right after I post the original version because I am quick to notice that I missed some points, or some things might need further explanation.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Grow up.

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You know I just don’t buy this blame everything on a single disgraced team member that has already been kicked. I think a lot more people were perfectly fine with the narrative until it blew up in their faces.

It just feels like a lot of “face saving” CYA to me.