[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Just you wait.

  • We find out Night Elves weren’t seduced by magic and they just sought power to rule and subjugate all of Azeroth.
  • We find out they tortured and executed Trolls, even though they were their ancestors, even at some point reliving a storyline where one of them kills their parents for being a Troll and not evolved into a Night Elf.
  • They experimented on humans and it’s what led Kel’thuzad to looking into necromancy in the first place.
  • The Tauren were actually brought in as slaves for manual labor, and they only learned from Cenarius by watching until they could escape.
  • Night Elves in Ashenvale purposefully cut off supplies to Orgrimmar trying to incite a war and also they had been sneaking Old God blood into Garrosh’s food to make him crazy.
  • Elune is the weakest member of the pantheon of life and considered by her peers to be the dumbest. Her actions have basically threatened existence repeatedly all over the cosmos and after her latest decision she’s ending up jailed somewhere.
  • Heck one of them even gave demons the weapons that somehow one-shot Vol’jin.

All of those are completely fictional (and ridiculous). But just wait until there’s an expansion exploring the history of Night Elves and how they joined the Alliance, learning all their “secrets” that were never explained prior (and of course making up a bunch of new things) in the process.

The last thing Night Elves should want is a Night Elf-centric expansion.


Licks himself.
Of course, not all material can be worked with, but I think it will be possible to pin it somehow.

The easiest to work with the blood of the Old God: Nightmare druids, Northrend furbolgs.

Sponsors of the Burning Legion? You can work with satyrs.

Useless goddess? Sadly. Well, let’s go on a crusade to Zeret Vitae, in addition to rewriting reality, let’s glorify Elune.

Tauren slaves. M… Cut out the druid class from the tauren, it is not good for slaves to be educated. At the very least, keep them out of the Cenarion Circle initially.

Experimenting on humans is great, but what kind of demon did they let anyone see themselves?

Ah, the sad inheritance of the pedigree, ungrateful children … What a pity. M… Strengthen religiosity and xenophobia to a level close to the Scarlet Order. True, the Third War will have to be redone … Oh well.

Conquering Azeroth is a great idea. One question - why did they stop, and not swept away the miserable remnants of the troll empires?

Oops, who gave up on an expansion that was just focused on night elves? How about an inverted war of factions, when the emphasis is on the destruction of the Horde by the night elves. On their own, night elves without the suffering of the Horde… are not that impressive.


The Kaldorei Empire could very well have experimented on humans in the old lore. Medivh claimed that the Highborne used to take humans as slaves in The Last Guardian. Would explain how Tyrande knew what humans were in Warcraft 3 before they showed up to Ashenvale, at least before the time travel mess with Rhonin.


Humans didn’t exist until after the Maelstorm.

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It’s old lore.


I know you’re not a native English speaker, so I may have misunderstood, but why would you ever want these things?!

It also may be that my post did not convey everything well enough, it was intended to portray the type of ridiculous (rewritten) history we’ve gotten when WoW has gone into the backstory of races.

I absolutely do not believe these are true and they’re laughable on the surface, but I could see that level of storyline gymnastics happening.

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Please don’t give blizz any more terrible ideas to add to the game. We seen what they did when we went to draenor in WoD and they rewrote the entire orc history


I don’t know; I’d certainly want a better writing team than WoD’s, but I kind of like the idea of going back to an alternate Ancient Kalimdor and meeting/fighting an alternate version of the Kaldorei Empire.


Yeah I was reading that, thinking it would be kind of cool.

I wonder how Azshara came to power. Who ruled before she was born? And all that.

It could be fun if we go to an AU Kalimdor, or to a very early Kalimdor, and we have to help a young Azshara overthrow an even more evil Kaldorei Empire. And she is the one that actually makes them less evil then they were in the past - but they still needed to be taken down a few notches on the evil meter by Malfurion and Tyrande.

It would be kind of funny to learn we put her in power.

But I can see why Night Elf fans don’t want to see their favored race slaughtered for shinies as villains, after the Burning of Teldrassil. Maybe we can do that a few patches down the line.

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Eh, speak for yourself. I wouldn’t care because they are alternate universe. Plus we might finally see night elves being scary for once. Last time I saw that was wc3.


Those scary Night Elves would be the Highborne, though. Idk, I don’t think those aren’t the kinds of Night Elves most Night Elf fans are attached too.

It would be added drama if someone from our universe told the AU Night Elves about Teldrassil.

Maybe they would be enraged that their MU counterparts were slaughtered, using it as a warning and reason to stay aggressive and hostile to others.

Or maybe they would mock the “foolishness” of the MU kaldorei for “going soft”, and see it as a reason to double down on their cruelty, if changing their ways meant they would just be victims.


Careful, this might turn into going back in time to Suramar and turning Nightborne into Villains for to be used as loot piñatas.

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Say that like elven loot piñatas are a bad thing :smiley:

(It’s a joke for those who just want to freak out)


What for? Well… Take advantage of any situation. Well, as a benefit, rather “+” in the list of races and practices that the night elves have access to.
Well, the fact that the night elves will become evil evil in the process… In any case, this is a role other than a punching bag. It will be possible to enjoy the moments of oppression of the Horde, and forget / not know about all the negative aspects. Five minutes of the BfA intro video, is that too much?

Map question. Are we going to be stuck in an alternate Azeroth for a long time, or will we be limited to a “small” piece of the kaldorei empire?




(Looks at Chronicles Map) Technically small, since the whole Kaldorei empire would be, well, larger than Modern Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms combined. Let’s say, the borders are at the edge of Zandalar to the south, edge of Suramar to the east, edge of Azol’Nerub to the north, and that chunk of big mountains before Then’Ralore to the west. That’s still a fairly larger territory. The bullcrap reason why we can’t go further despite there being no physical barrier is that our method of time travel is linked to the Well of Eternity and we can’t go too far away from it at the center.


Why is this thread still around?

As to the topic? Just throw her in the Maw with the condition she can leave after she’s recovered all the souls she damned so that they can go to their proper afterlife or be resurrected. Then Sylvanas can come back/go to whatever afterlife she belongs.


So, I guess you all just skimmed over some very important lore reveals this week. One being that our accepted fan theory that the reason we can use Waystones is not based on the fact of the Heart of Azeroth but because of a prophesy that the Maw Walkers were destined to save the Shadowlands.

Remember who the Grimiore of the Shadowlands book hinted was the first Maw Walker from Azeroth?


I don’t think that was a hint, I’m sure it was a blatant answer. Regardless, Zovaal’s control over the Maw probably allowed for him to make it so that Sylvanas could leave whenever she wanted while in his service.

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