[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Again, like it or not I expect the Alliance and the night elves to “make up”(I expect that will be a story point sooner or later) and this would be a perfect excuse to finally answer the “why” they were ever in the Alliance and potentially show the commonality between the night elves and the Alliance.

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Make up for what? Giving a background reason for them joining isnt going to make up for the genocide of their people.

You’re not even making any sense right now

Make up as in actually have more cordial/friendly relations again. BfA ended with Tyrande all but breaking off from the Alliance and pretty much ignoring it. I expect alot of night elves might have that feeling.

A short story in the next expansion or so(whenever they actually try to deal with that fraying of relations) explaining why they were ever part of the Alliance would be thematically appropriate.

It is not hard to guess. Night elves were a popular race and needed to be playable. The only options are Horde or Alliance. If they were Alliance(and vice versa for Forsaken) it would lead to more drama. Plus, Blizzard probably wanted to add more “non standard DnD races” to the Alliance(night elves being drow like and all that means they were precieved to not be standard good guy fair)

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Giving a background story on why they originally joined solves literally NOTHING that happened in BfA or SL dude.

Like what are you even talking about

Hopefully it doesn’t and instead the Alliance and the Horde break apart into little tiny pieces like they logically should’ve after their stupid wars.


It likely wont.

You are not thinking very creatively. If I was to write a story, I would be doing something like writing a story set in post SL with some problem or other that require both night elves and Alliance forces working together interspred with flashbacks on how the night elves were initially convinced to join the Alliance and having it related to their modern day issue.(thus killing two birds with one stone while expanding the lore)

Thus reminding Tyrande why the joined in the first and why sticking around would still be beneficial.


I dont have to think creatively on this because it’s literally a non issue to everyone but you

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It is a part of lore that is missing and would easily be something that can greatly expand on the nature of Alliance/night elven relations.

And just because I want this doesnt mean this cant be concurrent with other night elven stories. And as I mentioned, sooner or later I expect Blizzard will deal with the internal issues of the Alliance and that happens to have a great deal with the night elves right now.


Expanding on something that is 15+ yrs old solves non of the Night elven lore issues

Why is this so hard to grasp? :eyes:

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I literally just gave you an example of how the lack of this particular lore could be used. That an explanation of why the night elves were in the Alliance in the first place could help reinforce why they would still want to stay and may actually make their bonds with the Alliance stronger.

And while you may not particularly care I do and do think it will be an issue Blizzard will tackle someday. That they would probably want to restrengthen the bond between the Alliance’s member races.


Honesly your idea feels more like Blizzard trying to give us lore about how the Horde has a problem and now we have a solution to their darker tendencies.

We didn’t need that story or want it, we were ready to move on to the next chapter.
What your idea would do is basically that, we are taking steps back rather than forward… we don’t need a storyline of how Night Elves and Alliance get along.
We need a story of why besides war weariness why aren’t Alliance and Horde at a state of total war as soon as we resolve Shadowlands.

Because Horde council does nothing to explain why hostilities should cease.


I strongly doubt that ANYTHING would please them at this point… they’d have to give up their cherished persecution complexes.


You actually still get PVP quests targeting the other side so we’re not at PeaceCraft by any means.

The answer to that question is the lack of players willing to go on War Mode.

That is not at all what I am talking about.

Lets give them something remotely they have been asking for and we might get a different response.
This is like the Horde players constantly asking not to be villain batted. Blizzard villain bats them anyway and gives them Saurfang and then they are baffled why the Horde players are not happy and nothing possibly will make them happy.


Nah after the Thrall Panel we know that is no longer the case

If anything, her words during the Thrall Panel prove that what she wrote in Lord of the Clans that was good were actually Metzen’s ideas


You have very well established your opinion. Unfortunately or fortunately, I’ve lived all my life in the U.S., and as such the justice system I am most familiar with does factor in actual harm caused, abandonment of attempt, and regret of inchoation all into the weight of a crime, especially when incomplete, not simply the initial intent.

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It was to some degree. Theramore was the location where the talks between Thrall and Varian would’ve happened if it wasn’t for the Defias Brotherhood kidnapping Varian. Then in the “he who must not be named” comics, Jaina once again had a peace meeting between Thrall and Varian after Varians complete return to Stormwind (this taking place late TBC, early Wrath. Prior to the scourge invasion event).

Jaina claimed Theramore was neutral due to her relationship with Thrall and Varian. But actions speak louder than words.

That is why Jaina was a hypocrite during that time.


No it is not. theramore was always Alliance.

It was a convenient location for both sides and considering Thrall knew Jaina would not doing anything maligned considered it a place where a meeting can be held. Not that the nation was actually neutral! I’d also point out we players and Jaina once went to Ogrimmar for a meeting(Wrathgate). Baine was in Stormwind, clearly to discuss ceasefire terms, that does not mean Stormwind is neutral.

Holding meaning in any city does not mean said city is neutral. It just means people trust you won’t get backstabbed while you are in said city.

:man_facepalming: We literally just got though this. JAINA IS NOT NEUTRAL. Both Thrall and Garrosh mentioned she was Alliance. She has mentioned she was Alliance would march on Ogrimmar’s doorsteps if it was proven the Horde massacred the night elves. And considering Garrosh was going to attack them, she followed suit with that threat.

Repeat with me, Jaina is ALLIANCE and would help her allies in the Alliance! There is nothing hypocritical about it. Wanting peace does not mean you won’t actually go to war to help your allies. If anything it would be hypocritcal of her not to help her allies and people in need against a warmonger.

Agreed, but I wish you hadn’t said it, just in case anyone from Blizzard is reading this.

Can’t wait for the writing team to pitch WoD but for Night Elves.

That would probably make pretty much everyone upset.

This IS wod for Night elves.

Their version of it anyway, wisps kind of got phased out, elune is a meme and renewal.