[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Yes, the spite, my god it’s unbearable.

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I agree with you. There’s a fine line between loving a character and justifying everything said character does.

I find it creepy those who love sylvanas just because she’s sexy and nothing else.

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My trust level must have dropped back to bare minimim because it’s 11am and I’ve apparently used up my likes so it seems like someone at Blizzard CS still doesn’t like me :worried:

probably because you like Sylvanas you degenerate sitposter. /s

Good to know there’s some justice in the world.

I pity people who like this insufferable, poorly written never suffers any consequences, 5trillion dimensional chess super grandmaster who is always infinity steps ahead of anyone who never loses and when she does lose she actually wins and makes the game unbearable for fans of other races.

As for hate, well it depends mostly but lemme say this, Sylvanas is Arthas 2.0 and the fact that Sylvanas fans simultaneously want Arthas obliterated and consider him pure evil and bend over backwards to justify why Sylvanas is actually a noble soul and the best of characters despite being OBJECTIVELY worse then Arthas on a moral scale means they deserve all the hate they get.

There’s no debating this by the way, I’m right and anyone who disagrees with me has mental problems.


I can’t even like your comment rn but I would :sob::rofl:

Annnnd that’s why Ikaar is on my ignore list.

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Aka, coward who can’t handle opposing opinions.

I want Sylvanas to have to forgive Arthas.

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That’s fair, I think she already does in a way. In the end they were both tools of the Jailer.

At least I got that perception in Edge of Night, when she saw his soul as a scared little boy being tortured for his own crimes.

I don’t think so, considering she calls him a manchild in the opening to Silverpine and spits his name with acid. That’s not very forgiveness and renewal of her.

I was also just completely fine with her just hating Arthas before this arc with the night warrior. She had the right. And Arthas suffered the consequences for his actions. But with everything going on now, Sylvanas should have to forgive him for everything he did. Although it still wouldn’t be the same because we still got the catharsis at the end of WOTLK of beating him and stopping him.

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I feel like now that her soul is complete and she’s struggling with her own crimes she will have that epiphany kind of moment, where she’ll forgive him. Some Sylvanas fans won’t like it (I know a few who just vapidly hate Arthas and his fanbase. Just the even mention of Arthas in Shadowlands had them all nope out of it)

Different strokes for different folks and all that.

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The thing with World of Warcraft is they will acknowledge the wrongs, but never do anything about it.

In the case of Tyrande we might get a showdown but Tyrande will say “you can never be forgiven but I won’t do anything about it. So go before I change my mind!”
It will be something like that.

Just as it was with the Horde. Sylvanas and Horde can burn kids alive for some vague justification. We get to be mad at them but never do anything substantive about it. The entire BFA war was to stop Sylvanas and cease hostilities rather than… you know dealing with the monster faction that seems intent on wiping you out to the last man every couple years.
Horde players have to shrug off being kid killers, and Alliance players have to stomach being passive about kid killers. What a wonderful situation for everyone involved.


I’m quite sure players in both camps would hate that.
And that’s why I definitely expect it to happen.

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Well Tyrande considers freeing Anduin as “setting things right”, while the souls of her people were obliterated in the maw and the Night Elves can never exist again

Blizzard never commits to absolutes. Tyrande will say “you can start by helping Andiun but know that it won’t be enough and nothing will ever be enough”

Thats to satisfy NE fans like you. But that would be the end of that and Sylvanas will go back to doing Sylvanas things. Thats to satisfy Sylvanas fans.

You don’t get the satisfaction of an actual retribution for all the wrongs.
And Sylvanas fans will still be mad that Tyrande got to scold her like a school girl and spank her a bit.

I have no idea what would happen but there is no doubt in my mind that this is what would happen.


You have issues and should seek help


Uh no, the quote is already datamined. Tyrande thanks her for “setting things right”, despite her people still being obliterated in the maw.

I forgot the part where Blizzard did anything to satisfy Night Elf fans. Not in BfA. Not in Shadowlands. All they did was give Sylvanas and the Horde a pass and obliterate the Night Elf souls in the maw to ensure that there can be no future for Night Elves

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Remember you’re talking to the guy who thinks Taretha deserves endless torment in the maw. Messed up is his default setting.


That’s the thing, they relied on outside scapegoats for so long without actually addressing the issue with what is wrong with the Horde. The Horde condones genocide and justifies it with survival.

The reason I don’t argue when these things are brought up is because I agree.

I don’t think its a racial stereotype to say orcs are pre-dispositioned to commit horrific atrocities in war. It’s actually just a critique on extreeme militarism.

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Blizzard has tried but it always fell short.

If they allowed us to kill Nathanos in Darkshore I would have been satisfied.
If they allowed Tyrande to smack Sylvanas around in that cinematic only to lose her powers before striking the finishing blow then I would have been satisfied.

But Blizzard wanted the Horde/Nathanos to have the last laugh.
They also wanted Sylvanas to appear all powerful and in control in her fight against Tyrande.

And thats why I am still left feeling wanting to get some small measure of satisfaction from all this.
For you it may be different but for me this is why I am still waiting for something and I don’t think I will ever get what I want because Blizzard refuses to allow the Horde and Sylvanas to lose without strings attached.

Its not just the Orcs anymore but the entire Horde now. From Forsaken to Tauren… BFA is the turd tree that keeps on giving.