[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I think, now this is just speculation.

The Horde will mistrust Sylvanas and she will be shunned, (people will be happy she’s out of the spotlight for a few expansions, this will give her time for her own mission to find Nathanos being like a D plot for people still interested in her story and her interpersonal drama) the Alliance will grow in power and become a huge threat to the Horde (Alliance fans will be happy) Alliance will get some teeth and will be on the verge of complete victory…

The Horde will be forced to realize that Sylvanas has mad skills in strategy and warfare and they will be forced to ask for her help, leading to the Horde realizing the Forsaken and Sylvanas are the Bulwark against Alliance supremacy that keeps the faction balance in check this was always her role in the Horde (making Sylvanas fans happy and giving us a “win” after the loss of the Horde civil war.) Forsaken are redefined as valuable members of the Horde and rejoin the Horde as equals, not “a lesser race.”

This is from a Forsaken PoV, obviously the Horde and Alliance PoV’s will be different. I accept that my speculations may be a hard pill for some to swallow.


I can see that happening. Be far more interesting than what we been getting lately

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I’m most excited for the Alliance being on the verge of victory part because I think it’s due.

Plus the Horde has to realize strength in unity, that’s the big thing missing from the Horde.

Garrosh was wrong because he thought all the Horde needed was the founding races.

Thrall’s Horde failed because he couldn’t unify wildly different races under a banner defined by anything more than survival. But when the furure of the entire Horde is at stake… that’s what forges bonds.

Plus Vol’jin did prophesize Sylvanas would save the Horde and it would be a let down if that never came true.

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**** yeah! Vampire Sylvanas? Sign me up!

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that was Mueh’zellas Lie…


Saw this pop into my feed.
Since you are such a Sylvanas fan girl maybe you would enjoy it


Making Sylvanas warchief was Mueh’zala’s lie but I do think Vol’jin prophesized Sylvanas is the unlikely savior of the Horde.

Thank you for sharing Smallz, I do love Makani’s work.

Makani’s Sylvanas is more canon than WoW Sylvanas at this point. Her re-inventions of scenes slow down and give more depth.


No problemo.
I don’t like the direction this story is going and it feels so much like revisionist history and characterization rather than something that was established from day one.
But if some people get something to enjoy then good for them!

Yeah and the few of Mak’s art I have seen more I enjoyed more than what garbage I get from Danuser.


the “prophesy” aswell…that was all Mueh’zalas Lie.

We don’t know that for certain. We only know Mueh’zala just wanted to make her Warchief.

When Vol’jin wakes up from his little nappy nap in Ardenweald I’m sure we will get more clarification on his vision.

if sylvanas die…and this possibility still exist, then this …Prophezie died with her.

Yeah but we all know they are not gonna kill off thier cash cow.

C’mon now.

Sylvanas is the intersection of male adoration/attraction and female empowerment… those are big cash crops.

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sylvanas is definitly not a cash cow anymore…definitly not. many people are …ANOYED by her, or want her even tourmented, sylvanas have a LOUD small community left, thats all…only because people are loud means not that they are a popular group.

I think you are underestimating her popularity. Sylvanas fans are quieter than ever right now but we still exist.

From my own personal experience, the WoW fanbase has been so vitrolic to Sylvanas fans since 2018 it’s driven most of us into silence. (Except me, as you know I’m loud af)

When her book comes out you will see. I bet it’s the top selling WoW novel of all time, even more than Illidan.


I pity people who hate others for simply liking sylvanas. These people must lead a really sad life


I would not be sure about this and…i could be wrong but wasn’t Arthas the most succesfull novel

Illidan was from us player perspective best written one

Most of the hated people that like Sylvanas fall in the cringy edgy boy who love their goth elf queen no matter what she does. They are easy to hate without the explicit Sylvanas fanboying.

I like Sylvanas too, have liked her ever since WC3, but that doesn’t mean I think she should win at everything all the time and nothing of consequence ever happen to her again because she is my fav. That is deranged behavior.


Like Accolonn? I hate him so much.

His stance is “Sylvanas is sexy” as justification for anything she does. It’s annoying. I hate beimg lumped into the same group as him.


yes and the spite is very cringe as well. I watched one video before I noped out of there.