[Spoiler] Kel'thuzad and Ysera are here

I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to put the spoiler in the actual title you are warning of spoilers. It defeats the point lmfao come on now…


spoiler warnings only work if you don’t put the spoiler in the title.

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Ooo i totally dig that Winter Queen and Ysera model. SO looking forward to Shadowlands. I don’t really like the Sylvanas model. Loses the voluptuous feeling.

All of the models look pretty cool. Not a big fan of the new Sylvanas model, nor the Jailer model. He looks suspiciously like a certain streamer. Ysera also didn’t get a model update, unless I’m blind, but I’m concerned about her even being included.

Everything else though looks pretty cool. Interested to see how it turns out.

Her death literally made me cry buckets!

If she’s coming back, I don’t care how good or bad Shadowlands will be, I’ll play just to see her again! :hugs: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Saddest moment in the game for me.

I literally sat there stunned watching that.


Yeah, then one of the very few Elune moments as well. That made me cry even more. What a beautiful thing Elune did for her.

Dammit! I’m crying again. :cry:

It’s ok, I made myself cry you didn’t. I like to cry about things like that. Tears can cleanse the soul. :heart:


She’s a high elf and a dead one at that. Not really much sense for her to be “voluptuous”

I was on the fence about whether to go with the Night Fae for the druid theme or the Venthyr for the gothic theme, but it looks like I’ll be going Night Fae on this toon because those models are fantastic, especially the new Drust creatures.

I’ll send my nightborne warlock to the Venthyr; she’ll have a field day over there. Also, those gargoyle designs make me wish demo warlocks would get a form of Metamorphosis back, but as a gargoyle.

The Dark Kyrians look amazing, too.

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Well, high elves, even dead ones, are generally very attractive (same with all elves) and my point is, I liked her old model better.

A lot of it is looking pretty nice. I’m still not that happy with Bastion that much. That includes the Kyrians among other npcs located there. Oh well.

Sylvanas looks alright. She does look more soft and it’s a bit weird. I find it funny everyone says she looks grey when she is most definitely not. So that’s a nice joke. I still don’t enjoy her much anyways.

Bolvar is looking pretty spiffy. I bet a lot of guys would like that armor. Speaking of nice armor that Vampire Apothecary outfit is sweet.

Here comes the stink eye my way, but I am gonna take it…

I really really dislike the Winter Queen. It’s like they didn’t care to try with her and it shows to me. They could’ve gone full whimsical with it if they really wanted to. (To not make it “attractive” but still very much enjoyable. Brightwing for example. ) Yet they couldn’t be bothered to even do that with her. It’s like they went out of the way to make it unappealing. So it’s some weird bizarre mixture model. When in reality it could’ve been something really nice and beautiful and actually sell products. (posters, statues etc.)

I’ve come to realize that Blizzard doesn’t always care about making a profit tho, otherwise they wouldn’t make questionable decisions like this one.

So I did my little whine for now. I’ve seen a lot of the models. A lot look great. The Maw and Maldraxxus models are turning out better than I thought they would be. So that’s a positive. Treefolk look pretty neat. (whimsical btw) They will probably keep putting up more and more… someone mentioned the Jailer was out? I did not see him. Unless they mean the “maw” jailer? Which that guy has some awesome amount of detail on him.

The title defeats the purpose of warning about a spoiler. Next time try: [Spoiler] We’re meeting known characters again.


Lady V too? Getting the gang back together.

Kudos on the Moth mount. Really good!

The Shadowlands cosplays are gonna be wild :smiley:

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I’m hoping Akama goes to shadowlands somehow just to meet them hah.

kael looks yummy! :heart_eyes:

do the high elf prince good this time blizzard!

Though must people know of these things, perhaps don’t put what the spoiler is in the title…

I’m also interested that Mueh’zala is datamined. We’re going to see him and learn about him, but he’s NOT the Jailor or anything like that. So the question is still, who the hell is he?

Also, the ‘Kyrian Uther’ near the top seems female. He seems to actually be near the bottom.

Oooh, Shadowlands eye candy. Eye candy everywhere…