[spoiler] Arthas

Really? This is how the writers decide to end the face of the franchise? Sylvanas gets her own comeuppance against him, despite being the bad girl, under the same influence, as him? I get that dansomething has a crush on Sylvanas and would like to do nothing more than to write Arthas out of existence for what he has done to her, but he actually did it. ‘‘May your name be forgotten’’. I’m sorry, but this is possibly the worst way to write out one of the better characters in Warcraft history. Shame. I guess the whole ‘‘we wont kill off characters anymore and redeeming characters’’ is out of the question when they had hurt Sylvanas in the past?

Where is Jaina? Why does she allow the war criminal to have the final word?

The whole cinematic of Uther casting Arthas in the maw was a marketing trick? No redemption on Uthers side? Just gawking at his soul and casting him aside? It is a poor shepherd who blames his flock. Uthers failure is Arthas.

Bravo Blizzard, Shadowlands is officially worse than WoD.


We already had a thread about this. We did not need another one. Unless all you want is a flame war.