Spirit pets camped by DK bots

Is this a joke? one of the core class fantasies of a hunter is to be able to ‘hunt’ for the legendary rare pets in both wotlk and cata. not only that but theres not much point in playing BM if you dont have one considering how trash BM is compared to the other specs.

the problem is, every time you go to the spawns of these spirit beasts you find nothing but skinning bots continuously killing everything in the area. theres no way to tell if the bot killed it 30 seconds ago or 5 hours ago. you’d have to be a permanent fixture at every spawn location 24/7 in order to get a pet. i’ve gone to the gondria(zuldrak) spawn every day for 5 days at random intervals and the entire area is completely cleared of mobs from the same DK bot. reports? they do nothing. reported every day and its the same bot. not to mention the bots are in old zones and you cant report via /who anymore

asking the community to report? forget about it. they walk by countless auction house bots every day and get automation undercut scammed all day long and just dont care. you think theyre gonna get on your layer go all the way out to an old zone and report a bot for you? no shot. i added an auction house bot to my friends list 2 months ago and have continuously asked people to report it and it still just runs back and forth 24/7 posting hundreds of auctions, undercutting with 1 item then buying out some poor soul’s auction

if we’re at the point where i literally cannot access a part of the game due to botting, and its not going to be fixed, we need to offer an alternative to hunters to be able to get their spirit pets


Yeah i want sambas and karoma but the deathwing fires killing them paired with people killing them for no reason have made it quite a difficult task. They dont even drop anything but greys.

I have 2 hunters on Mankrik, one Alliance, one Horde. Both have all the spirit beasts from Wrath, one has Ghostcrawler and just got Karoma. The other has Ghostcrawler, Madexx, and got Sambas yesterday. I did discover that camping doesn’t work for me, it will drive you crazy. I just play the game, do quests, and once or twice a day will do a “loop” around where the rares are. It seems to be just luck, or maybe Mankrik doesn’t have as many of the bots that are ruining your hunt. Good luck in your search, but mostly have fun in the hunt.

the bots will be gone soon, leather prices are tanking just like ore

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