Numb - Gnome Warrior
GM of guild “Prong”
Anyone who was a member of Prong
UTUPPIE it’s umDOH hit me up on PM.
on Chubbin#11231 add me tup.
Cheezit , human rogue
Pillidn, dwarf warrior (60)
Minner, human priest (60)
Sincos, dwarf paladin (60)
Guild: Hardcore
I played with Drasnith a ton - he was the GM of <Hero’s of Virtue> not sure where he is now.
Minner! Ahab paladin Hardcore
I was Geforce NE Hunter, and my buddy was Radeon NE Rogue. The guild was called “Beast” I think.
You and I raided as fellow priests in MC/BWL together back in the day. I was a nelf priest back then, but seriously considering coming into Classic as a mage.
This is Nocte from AK, Hardcore, and Aftermath.
Sunu 60 mage – Arabian Knights
Joined sol Fox in BC
Used to pvp with warriors a lot doing 2s
I remember we had a server vent channel id would be in their often
Wizaar Ally mage from vanilla days. Not Whizza from Hardcore. People use to get us confused all the time lol. It’s refreshing to see some old familiar names!
Looking for:
Hersilia Female Human Mage*
Hiyather Male Human Mage*
Esonica Female Nelf Druid Guild Hardcore
Svetlana Female Human Warrior
Mandyii Female Human Paladin
Handy Male Nelf Rogue
Luckypriest Female Human Priest
NinjaMaster Male Dwarf Rogue
Gerenthill Male Human Warlock
Psychedelic Female Nelf Hunter
Silverfir Female Nelf Rogue
Fite Male Dwarf Warrior
Gorstaag Female Human Priest
Arcke Male Nelf Hunter
Grizman Male Gnome Rogue
Galikanokus Male Nelf Hunter
Mysticnyte Female Nelf Druid
Meh Female Nelf Priest
Dcj Female Human Paladin
Montisseur (huge typo) Use to be lv 19 Male Nelf Hunter twink
There was also a Female Nelf Priest who’s name began with a “M” and was in the guild “Tranquility”. I can’t believe I forgot the name but use to be awesome in premade BGs.
I know I’m missing some people. It’s been a while.
Hey all. Ewyn - 60 Night Elf Rogue.
Leveled up in Emerald Dream and RIGHT before our first MC run, all the officers and the leaders left
Can’t remember the exact order, but raided in:
Honor Bound Champions
Heroes of Virtue
Stopped playing when BC came out. Came back in and out throughout the other expansions, but never got that same vanilla experience.
Add me: Rihmz#11863
Oh wow. I remember Beast lol. They started as a lv 19 Twink guild. I think I use to playing on my Lv 19 twink Hunter back then; Razerus Male Nelf Hunter. Your name does seem to ring a bell. I also remember Ducks the Human male Paladin and the GM name eludes me… Male Nelf Druid… think his name was short and begins with a “N”. Can’t remember. Man, it’s cool to see and remember some old names.
I remember Drasnith. I forgot who the other officers were. What guild did HoV turn into after?
Heya! Trying to remember some of the other names from Sol Fox as well, but the main one that always comes to mind was reliable… because he’d win every item he rolled for, (he was also a pally). But that was more-so during Ulduar.
Hey everyone!
Leprikon - 60 Male Gnome Warlock
Taluria - 60 Female Human Paladin
My Warlock was briefly in Warcrak then primarily in Pizza Warriors.
My Paladin was a part of ruiNation.
In BC I also had a Shaman named Pensuke where I was primarily in Pizza Warriors, then in Addiction during SSC / TK progression.
I think it turned into Shunni the warlock was the GM. Does that sound right?
I’m not sure if Shunni ever became GM but he definitely became a major part of the guild and lead raids.