Spiders & Arachnophobia



I have a fear of heights so they should remove flying from this game.

PS. There is a spider on your back!

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Ill just write down your name, in case we cross in the game, so i mount in my spider just for you

I was washing the dishes the other day and near the bottom of my sink was this giant wolf spider the thing scared the hell out of me. I just blasted hot water at the thing and watched it go down the drain

I used to be as well, though something that helped me a lot was just learning about them. I like to go on the Spider sub reddit and it’s quite informative. Also some of them are really pretty lol

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The good doggo is right; this is the reason.

If anything, you can hire an addon coder to make an addon that makes you hide spider mobs.

Concept of phobia hiding addon

All mobs have IDs, Silverdragon is an addon that will pop up a notice when a rare is detected.
So instead, you’d have the addon to;

  • Pop up a notice when a spider is detected.
  • Cue drinking so much alcohol your screen is too blurry to make out a spider. (ingame alcoholics. lol)
  • The addon targets the spiders for you and you just smash your attacks till the ID is dead.
  • Drink Black coffee until drunken blurr effect is gone.

Made this up cause I have a friend with severe spider phobia. but she found other ways to cope.

I’m afraid of demons so there should be an option to replace all demons with farm animals as well.



I think a lot more people would be terrified of a demon appearing in front of them than a spider.

I really really do not understand this kind of thinking. You’re playing a video game. Something in it scares you. It terrifies you. Logic would conclude that you no longer do that specific thing. Instead you’re asking blizzard to spend time and resources to turn spiders into bunnies so you won’t wet your pants while killing them.

I’m afraid of deep water so where is my toggle to turn all water into sand? The maturity levels are so astonishing sometimes around here.

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I have Megalohyrdrothalassophobia which plays into Thalassophobia. I know what you mean.

Do any of the perception-altering toys like murgoggles work on enemy mobs to change their appearance to something less triggering?

Sure. We get it. You like attention.

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I was diagnosed with supercalfragileexpealidocious and ever since I have been unable to play wow any more.

Not that I’m aware of, but even so, the cooldown is too long.

auto-targetting (by addon) and being so drunk the entire screen is blurred could work.

That’s nothing! It’s the mucky, muggy, rainy season where I live and that means the centipedes are coming out… biggest one I saw so far this year was about 3-4 inches long.

The other night I got up to pee around 3am-ish and one ran across the ceiling over top of me. Sometimes they loose their grip and fall so it darn near gave me a heart attack! :scream:

I don’t know why, but I get a pretty strong feeling of dread when I fly over fatigue zones and the nothingness between landmasses in outland. There’s just something about knowing there’s nothing underneath my toon, or that it would be pretty much impossible to retrieve my corpse, that really weirds me out.

Back in Vanilla WoW where thre was the bug to get feared and clip through the ground, i always had to look away from my screen while i fell, and i’m kind of frustrated that bottomless pits have become a staple of raid zones and/or boss fights. It has gotten a bit better now that there’s the black fade-out effect once you pass a certain plane, but I still feel uneasy if i fall in one.

The weird thing is i dont have a fear of heights or deep water IRL (at least, not beyond what most would consider rational), so I’m not sure why it affects me so much in WoW. And it does seem to be just WoW-- 3D platformers are fine because there’s that expectation of falling.

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Can you just not do the quest? I don’t remember if this quest is something you can skip to stay on the main storyline, but if it is, just don’t do the quest.

My first thought was the overturned corgi goggles, but I don’t think they work on non humanoids. They make everything a dog, but then you would have to kill dogs, which would kind of suck. :dog:


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Yeah, I was wondering about the corgi goggles. I know they alter friendlies. I just don’t remember if it was baddies, also.

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We have the technology!