Spell Batching in Classic

Most of the people in favor of it probably thought it was going to work and feel like it did in Vanilla. Instead we get this broken emulation of it that even if they tightened up the timing window would still feel broken because it just doesn’t work the same on this new client.


Please remove this feature. Playing on private server without batching feels so responsive that i dont even want to play here because of how unreliable my choices are. I’m sure you meant well, but this is giving so many people un-needed stress.


I would rather have this than where it is now. Ideally it would be great to still have some batching but tune it to today’s standards. Maybe 10-50ms rather than 400ms. We would still get by chance interactions; but hopefully take away the glaring issues and exploitable features like Shaman guaranteed double elemental mastery crits, double charge stun, etc.

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Yeah i can get behind lower batching if they choose not to remove it all together. Anything is better than this. I feel like i’m playing through molasses.



Spell batching is awful, single biggest factor which results in not enjoying the game. The number of spell batched heals/deaths, the number of spell batched stuns and crowd controls… Vanilla it happened occasionally but not like this… Now it happens so frequently as to be genuinely frustrating. I feel like Blade Flurry and prayer of healing are different because of it too.


Is batching the reason my pet breaks half the time? I can get around some player/enemy wonkiness but my pet seems to respond like I mailed him a letter via USPS to make him do something.

It’s tiring and I’m only 20 something levels in so far lmfao :confused:


Any plans for blizzard to address this? I don’t see very many people happy with a TBC Classic announcement with spell batching involved.

Ive never seen a post age so badly before lmfaoooooo