Specs and Talents?

So, post squish, levelling looks like this:
1-10: Starter zones
10-50: Any single old expansion.
50-60: Shadowlands.

My question is, what happens to talent tiers? When do you pick your spec? You currently choose a spec at 10, halfway through the starter areas. So do you choose a spec at 5 now or at 10?

Do you get a talent every 10 levels from 20 to 50? That’s only 4 tiers! Every 5 levels? 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 is NINE tiers.

I think spec at 10, then a talent ever 5 levels from 15 to 50, which is 8 tiers, would be the best choice. Unless they’re bringing back old-school talent trees.

Edit: Thanks for the info, Sorelai! You are… so… relai-able!

Don’t know about specs but I suspect you will choose a spec after you leave the new starting zone everyone shares.

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Thanks! Good to know. So what the fudge is happening at 20? Considering there are serious parts of some expansions that REQUIRE flight, perhaps ALL mounts, flying and otherwise, unlock then?

You probably get to choose your first real mount then. A momentous occasion that no other rewards are needed.

Wait… everyone shares? So… what happens to Quel’thalas? I can understand the Draenei starting zone going away, it technically doesn’t exist like that anymore. The Exodar is “fixed”, right, but… ffs WHAT ABOUT SILVERMOON!

Supposedly, everyone goes to a place called Exile Reaches to start. Something someone posted in another topic.

Don’t look at it like they don’t exist any more.
Just look at it like they are optional.
We don’t know for sure, but you can already skip them now after 8.3.5, so it seems like a more uniformed starting area is the plan for the early levels, then you can choose where you want to go after that.
You can always go back to your race’s starting zone if you like, I’d imagine.

Just need to see what they do per race, as a valid criticism of this concept is that those starting zone cut scenes were a big part of getting started.

They were obviously hugely outdated though. Many still directly reference Deathwing etc.

WoWhead already explained this. It goes:


Damn, here I was hoping that since they were going back to smaller levels that we would get a revival of the old talents. One of my least favorite things of the game for many years has been the talent “trees”

We are still pre-alpha so they could decide to revamp the talent system.

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Here’s hoping.