Specific design or Trolling?

BM hunters bring a lot to group content. Nobody has ever complained about my DPS when I do do dungeons or even PvP.

It’s just like any pet class, you have to be a little more aware of what’s going on, compared to say, a ele shammy who’s sole job is to spam lightening bolts and bloodlust the group when it matters

Assuming you don’t have a hunter with a pet who can do that with their ferocity pet

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Remember old Wailing Caverns where you have to dismiss your pet when you make the jump or else you drag the entire dungeon with you? /shudder


Yeah, fun times when I was a noob at the game :rofl:

Newer dungeons aren’t that bad as far as pathing goes, they’re just more fast paced. I am looking forward to delves though. Look fun to solo on my lock and hunter :blush:

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Or old Gnomergon. Jumping to the gear just to watch in horror as the hunters let pulls the entire dungeon into your boss fight haha. Aaahhh the good old days


Once the corpse run stopped being miserable, if I was tanking it on an alt or running with my friend tanking, we’d specifically not remind the hunters/warlocks to dismiss their pets just because surviving the gnomish conga line was a fun challenge.

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This is why I play Marksman.


Can you play Marks without a pet and still do good damage? I might roll one if there’s a spec I don’t need to bother with a pet.

Yeah, there’s a talent that you can pick that boosts your DPS if you don’t summon a pet. The talent is called Lone Wolf I believe

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It’s always optimal to choose Lone Wolf as Marksman.


Cool cool. Thank you :pray:

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Given that each expansion still has a crapton of solo content, you need to be more specific about your question.

I especially contest the notion that the Hunter was not itended to be part of group play.

I’ve learned to adapt to the latest craze in blitzing through dungeons and short cuts. It’s been a decade since I’ve had one of my pets lead a mob train. And outside of people who are that new to the class, there’s no excuse for letting that happen.

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