Specialty team rewards

An idea to help promote pet battles and collecting by assembling specialty teams of pets to battle

The idea is to offer achievements, titles and pet rewards for assembling and winning a battle with a specific ‘theme team’ consisting of some harder to obtain pets and there are some great possibilities out there:

Guardians of Azeroth: Broot, Drakks, Trashy
The Celestials: Constellatius, Cosmos, Comet
Darter Squad: Sun Darter Hatchling, Sprite Darter Hatchling, Nether Faerie Dragon
Dog pack: Lord Woofington, Bakar Companion, Corgi Pup or Molten Corgi Pup
Haunted house: Frostwolf Ghostpup, Ghastly Kid, Ghost Maggot
The Bookmobile: Pallibrious, Troubled Tome, Animated Tome
Thing team: Carpal, Lost Robogrip, Crawling Claw

Lantern teams, Void teams, forest teams, there are endless cool possibilities

Just an idea!

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