Specialize with the New Augmentation Evoker

So Ion straight up lied when he said no new spec?


Happen to see the news and decided to pop into the forums on my cake day and all I see about this MID EXPANSION addition is a bunch of whining.

This player base is going to doom this IP.


Of course he knew, but likely wanted it to be revealed when originally planned not in some twitch interview.

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As others said in your other thread, he never said they would not be added in the future, only not in 10.1 itself. As the questioner was asking if it would be in 10.1 itself based on the various datamining specifically saying there was a new spec coming for them (such as https://www.wowhead.com/ptr/quest=72513/our-destiny that was datamined on the 10.1 ptr before 10.0.7 launched), which he said he was sad that was datamined.

Buffing allies damage doesn’t feel impactful in WoW, even though by looking at numbers it very much is. If you don’t feel impactful, you’re not gonna have fun doing what you do. This is separate from healing and utility because those have visual, meaningful impacts that comes from either big HPS numbers, or stopping something that will kill the group.

Buffing your allies stats on the other hand just has no real visual value, so even though you are numerically very valuable to your group, nothing about the gameplay loot is going to feel fun.

This is something that WoW struggles in where other games don’t. For example, as a Grandmaster Support player in Overwatch 2, buffing abilities like Kiriko rush and Ana nano boost have very clear and meaningful impact that changes the tide of a fight.

As someone who main’d shadow/holy and sometimes disc from Legion up until Dragonflight, the reintroduction of Power Infusion has been the one of the most miserable things about the class. Even though the ability is very powerful, there is no joy from giving that ability to someone else because it feels very irrelevant to you, let alone the fact that people constantly bother you to pick them for it.

Third, the only way this spec is going to be relevant is if brings your group/raid more damage value over Devastation. If the philosophy of this “Support” spec is going to be buffing allies, their own damage will likely suffer in order to balance the spec.

Last, the value of this spec could very well be defined by how well your allies play themselves. Reading some of the datamined spells, it looks very easy to lose so much value from just either people not playing correctly or not sync’ing up. Random Priests already struggle to make good use of just PI without the use of addons or WeakAuras, this spec will probably struggle even more.


Sounds awesome. Can’t wait to see how it plays!

Dragoon is a form of cavalry, though, so that would make no sense.


Should of been a healer similar too Discipline like already have enough DPS and don’t think DPS players are gonna be happy losing a spot that’s probably gonna be reserved for Augmentation Evoker.

Sweet, increase my friends’ output significantly! We do that by …increasing main stat! And …making the buff last longer!

What a snorefest.

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Should’ve been a tank, This is the only race that cannot play tank…


mmm I wish it was a tank, there’s already a healing spec, and also this is the only race that cannot tank…


Tank was never going to happen so :dracthyr_shrug:

My only point of reference for Dragoons is Final Fantasy 14 not sure if they were considered cavalry there but i’m sure your right.

I mean, there’s also buffs for crit, vers, increasing healer’s range, thorns/armor increase, threat reduction, healing increase, and more.

From the Breakflip interview shortly after they announced Evokers:

Will the Dracthyhr have a tank spec?

Patrick Dawson : “No, we focus on the Devastation and Preservation specializations. It’s rare but we added specializations to a class, for example with the Druid when we added Guardian and Feral to clearly denote the differences between the two specializations. We can consider it but for now we really want to focus on the two current Dracthyr specializations . There is a lot to do with a new race, a new class, new talents and adjusting all that will be complicated but later we are open to new ideas.

wow, these devs are definitely out of touch with their game and playerbase.

Oh wow crazy imagine them wanting to keep the secret third spec secret.

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If like other games like eve…boosters take dps hits.

  1. You fit guns.

  2. Or you fit links to run boosts.

Or you go hybrid fit which doesn’t do either very well. so yeah, refer back to rule 1 and 2.

Why? Balance. This is so you don’t have the booster wth solo dps setups not in group. Or a group of these things stacking boosts lol.

also its there to boost yet be killable. As this setup will be used in pvp too.

Its “gimped” to be killable. Want to keep them alive well then…keep them alive as a team effort. since the enemy will now be going okay dudes…kill the booster, then the healer.

Now blizzard…(as if you read this, lol)…I can save you lots of headaches.

Range limit boosts. like short range. at least in the room if raid. and say 30 meters in pvp.

To avoid people leaving boosters miles out lol.

In Eve we called this off grid boosting. the booster was 1000’s of kilometers away from the actual content.

It was abused. Heavily. It was a crap system too. And it took eve like 14 years to fix this. Limit this to short range and you skip all of that day 1. A win for you really.

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I suppose now the people who complain about being rejected from M+ applications will now have a third common phrase thrown at them apart from, “q as tank” or “q as healer”… “q as aug!”

Whatever cuts down on whining I suppose.

I wonder if they will modify enhancement to be more of an augmentation based spec as well? :face_with_monocle: