<spaceshipjuicebox> H-Thrall 9/9 H 3/9 Mythic LATE NIGHT TUES/THURS 10:30pm EST - 12:30am LF DPS for S4

Looking for a healer and dps for some mythic!

Come join us!

Still grinding to find some more people

Raid night lets get some recruits in!

Still recruiting all roles come apply!

Looking for some more people to join us. All roles!


Do you guys have plans to raid mythic?

If we have the numbers after AoTC, yes. The problem this tier was the constant turn over due to burn out or just players feeling accomplished especially with how the gear upgrades worked. If we feel it makes sense and I donā€™t have to chase people weekly to be logged in we will push into mythic!

Dps leggo!

we need some more pumpers!

Still searching for sime more dps players!

Still looking for some dps. We even need melee!

Recruiting Aug Evoker and DPS Warrior!

Still looking for an Aug and a warrior dps!

We are still looking for DPS WARRIORS AND EVOKERS!

Where the rogues at?

Come join us!!

Let us help you become the Raider you didnā€™t know you wanted to be!! Super chill group, great vibe, and we take care of BUSINESS!! Hop on the Spaceship!! :rocket:

Come join the crew. We donā€™t bite!