<spaceshipjuicebox> H-Thrall 9/9 H 3/9 Mythic LATE NIGHT TUES/THURS 10:30pm EST - 12:30am LF DPS for S4

Hey guys,
Currently ilvl 406 Rsham/Enh looking for a raid team for 10.1. Shoot me a message in game or add me on disc. Can provide parse if needed


I added you!

Ranged dps and heal bots!

WTB ranged DPS and heals

LFM Ranged and a healer!!!

i have a resto shaman and holy paladin both around the 410-415 ilvl and a resto druid and Evoker that are lower on the ilvl range, and would be interested in doing some raids with you guys.

times work perfectly for me, as i dont play until my kids go to sleep… i didnt raid at all this last patch due to the schedule but would love to see how i can fit in with you guys.

add me on Bnet Tuda#11608

hey there friend, added you on bnet!

Hey there, looking for a new raiding home. I have a lot of friends who are raiding on wow atm, but none of them on my schedule. Despite that I managed to get aotc this tier. I would prefer to raid on my ret, but I know that is flavor of the month atm. I have other toons I wouldn’t mind raiding on, and got aotc on my hunter, so I am flexible. BTag Raven#1524.

Just added you on bnet!

Inquire within

LFM RDPS!! Where y’all at!?

Could use 1 more healer!

We will have room for 1 HEALER and RANGED DPS!

still looking for healers :hospital:

1 Like

We are still looking for healers! Druid Priest Evoker!

Could use a healer on our team!

Looking for HEALERS!

Heals heals heals! Gotta be some more out there

We are still looking for any and all healers!

Any Diablo release bag holders out there?