Space Cadets - Hardcore / Whitemane [H] 11/11 1 HR MC

<Space Cadets - (Hardcore) Whitemane Horde - NA

Our Goals:

Space Cadets is a long standing guild of dedicated raiders looking to compete on clear times. We started off as a semi-hardcore guild but are now looking to branch out into more hardcore territory. As it stands now we are 11/11 1 Hr Molten Core. We’d like to clear even faster. Our goal is to make the best guild we possibly can and compete with other guilds.

Raid Times:

Mon/Wed/Sun 7-11 PST These are our set raid times. These times are non-negotiable. We are looking for raiders who can be there without any hassle or struggle whatsoever. During progress there may be extended raids / extra days added depending of if we see it necessary. In the case this does happen we expect everyone on (Hopefully the likely hood of that is low.)

Loot System: RC Loot Council + Public Spreadsheets. Gear is based off Attendance>Performance>Readiness(Consumables). Gear is prioritized to what benefits the guild as a whole the most. We pride ourselves on keeping a fair yet structured loot system. We expect raiders to be fair and understanding when it comes to loot. Constructive criticism is never overlooked.


As mentioned above we are transitioning into a hardcore environment. We expect all of our raiders to be on par with their peers. This comes along with knowledge of the game in general and play style. It is expected all raiders show up to raid with bis consumables every raid. (Obviously we don’t flask in Molten Core) Mongoose/Shadow Power/Greater Arcane Elixir ect.

Who do we want?:

We are looking for skilled players who have a passion for success when it comes to raiding. Those who think they’re up to the challenge and want to play with like-minded players and want to press for that #1 spot feel free to join our discord and message any available officer.

https ://discord. gg/3pCUSF4 or add inslaved#1854 (Remove space from Discord link)