So.....what's after the shadowlands?

We go back home to some kind of Cata-esque revamp/disaster.

Kyrian Campaign basically confirms that Lakeshire got razed by the scourge since we’ve been gone, and I can’t imagine that’s the only place that got hit or that they’d bring that up in-game without any intention of portraying it in-game.


The lawyer lands… where everything is grey and all the WQs are legalese paperwork…


We’re going full Dragon Ball, baby!

First the addition of Cloud Serpents. Then the random cosmetology lore dumps. Then we even get an Otherworld and HFIL!

Our next allied race will be Namekians and we’ll unlock Super Saiyans for our next borrowed power.


We come back and azeroth has advanced into the future - but not in the cool way.

Weapons are now entirely outlawed unless we enlist in our faction’s army - and that process involves a rigorous six month questline that works very hard to strip us of individuality and free will.

All strange and fringe magics are outlawed - including fel, void, and death magic. You need to go through a month-long process in order to acquire a permit for magic use, and even then you can only use it in specific situations. You also now have to join one of the grand megacorperations in order to craft items in a profession, or else face copyright!

Any infractions mark you for immediate incarceration! In which…your character is confined to a room for x amount of time. UNLESS you’re a gold farmer!

Behold - World of Warcraft: Twisted Mirror


Lightlands the goal is the prevent x from joining one of four groups.

Seriously though I bet we take on the void next.

I’m hoping that we seal the way stones and unlike past expansions, just seal the way stones. Never to return. We escaped the maw…yay…

With the way in and out of the maw sealed and forgotten, we come back to alternative chromie time thing where the horde live in stormwind. Allies crawl all over Orgrimmar, mechagnomes evolved into Druids and Vulpera Druids believe they were the first of Druids.

Not a lot of drama, just a story that slowly evolves around everyone slowly realizing they gotta swap castles and walk of shame past each other. Heh

Which I don’t understand.

What if the Lich King had attempted to resurrect someone who had died in the Shadowlands already? Would it have failed?

Why did we not see that happen at least once?

Also, he resurrected Whitemane, who obviously would’ve went to Bastion. Presumably, she had cast out her memories and became a Kyrian.

So why did she have her memories when resurrected?

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I would think either the Midtonelands or the Highlightlands would be next.

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I’m personally hoping for Space Vegas with blackjack and show girls.

I would like a western themed expansion. And I want leather chaps for armour. I’ve always wanted to do a High Fantasy races set in a Spaghetti Western environment. And I like wearing leather chaps.


Also where the heck is our T’Paartos questline where it’s a “buddy cop” story about him and his Sethraki partner. T’PAARTOS!!!

You’re a loose cannon T’Paartos. I don’t know whether to throw the book at you, or promote you.


Starcraft land is next

For me its the sound of $15 more hitting my savings account each month. I’ve lost all faith in Blizzard to produce a game I’ll enjoy, and I don’t plan to stick around for yet another disappointing expansion. RIP World of …what ever stupid idea they come up with.

A duck-themed expansion. We haven’t had one yet, so we’re overdue…

Most veterans reach that point eventually. After all, it’s still the same basic gameplay, no matter how they tweak each expansion to make it “different”. Very few people continue to like something after doing it for years.

Maybe WoW can be fun for a brand new player. I don’t know, since i’m a veteran too.

We go to the super shadowlands. It’s where everything we killed in shadowlands goes.

Banshee Queen Theme Park

An end to the factions, Azeroth is finally tired and destroyed, a new space themed playable race is introduced and we find a new planet to inhabit. Which would lead to a new set of factions and begin the whole process all over again…


Detroit, of course.

Likely a simple expansion with an enormous content drought outside of dungeons and raiding, whatever it is, I certainly want no part of it.