Soulbinder Tuulani in 20th Anniversary event

So, if they can open portals to the original WoD timeline then the pre-Light crazy Yrel should be able to come over as well, right?

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That is correct.

That’s s stretch, they’ll not open that door.

Nozdormu is an Aspect of Time while Yrel and Xe’ra are not!

All the Bronze Dragons have to do is stop Time when the Lightbound come knocking on Tuulani and Reshad’s doors then offer them an escape route into our Time Period and Universe then seal the Portal and cut off the Time Period from that Era before Yrel’s forces show up.

Without the Mastery of Time connected to an Aspect the Lightbound will have to wait for the BfA Era to get a proper grasp on Azeroth’s location which would bring them to Durotar not Tanaris(where Reshad and Tuulani arrived on Azeroth) or Azuremyst Isles(where Tuulani is guaranteed to go).

Yeah but all speculation at this point.
Why would they go there at all and when did they go?

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What door? That the Bronze dragons can visit alternate timelines? Boy do I have some news for you.

Well they can just bring Garrosh back, along with the whole warlords before they died too.
Grom as well, at his peak.

Durotan and why not Draka too as well.
Younger Drek’thar?

Garrosh would just be an alternate timeline version, as he dead dead in the main universe. Draka is enjoying her time in Maldraxxus as a Necrolord, so she too would be a AU version.

Infact, all the ones you just mention would be AU versions of their main timeline selves

Yes, they could. They won’t, obviously. Capacity to do something doesn’t mean they’ll start affecting Infinite Dragonflight style plots. That’s kinda the entire identity of the Infinites—Bronze dragons without the mandate or conviction to protect the timeline.

Just like they wont “pull” people before things happened.
It would’ve ruined the timeline which the Mag’har that are in the Horde today lived.
It could’ve ramifications in the current MU timeline because of Gul’dan and the legion invasion as well.

There might be another explanation about Soulbinder Tuulani, and I still believe they might bring Yrel back maybe for next expansion.

We took the Dragonsoul from the Well of Eternity to defeat Deathwing.

Even setting aside that we’re splitting hairs over an anniversary celebration, all they have to do is say “this NPC visiting for a day won’t negatively impact the timeline.”

And because Nozdormu lost his powers it went back to its place right immediately.
Bringing Yrel and other people before they became light fanatics can simply ruin that future and prevent it from existing and thus causing a whole rupture in the MU because the Mag’har came from that future.

Oh boy more alliance

None of that happened, so I guess we’re in the clear.

How I feel about the alliance in general :dracthyr_heart:

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Time for Warlords of Draenor 2 I guess… :scream:

I’ma be honest. As bad as some of WoD was, the early story experience was pretty dope, in spite of the TimeyWimey nonsense. Ga’nar to this day still has one of the most badass in-game cinematics in the history of the game.


Don’t even get me started. WoD had everything to be a legendary expansion, but we all know the story that happened.

Look at these in-game cutscenes:

Velen’s Sacrifice:

Talador Finale:

Yrel had such a great built up in this expansion only to be “transformed” into a Light fanatic.


Nice to see more people realize what a dumb idea it was to do that to Yrel.

I’ve been saying that ever since BfA and for awhile got nothing but trouble for it (and more than a few unkind words in regard to my character).

She is part of the MU as well. She is important to the Draenai Heritage armor questline. She hangs out in outland, helping the souls of her people that linger there to depart.