So blizzard has made it so afflictions main dot (unstable affliction) needs to be chosen in a pvp talent to be able to apply to multiple targets. But also has the audacity to take soul swap away from us again and now making it a pvp talent which is now taking up another vital spot since its 100% needed.
Blizzard needs to make rampant afflictions baseline at this point. The is absolutely no reason to force us to spec into a pvp talent to apply ua to multiple targets.
There is literally no point in playing the spec unless you like weird kinks
Only niche currently is dispel protection but that’s hardly a niche
The spec actually works against itself it you try to PvP with it. Rampant afflictions reduces your throughput, Rot and Decay is counter inuitive with the talents you are forced to take that give you a dps boost for reapplying dots within a certain window, our capstones actually might be dps losses in a PvP environment, etc.
Its getting some pretty nice buffs tomorrow, however I just feel them making SS a pvp talent is an awful decision on top of not making rampant afflictions base line. Like who at blizzard hates warlocks this much
I will continue to play affliction unless its just absolutely terrible because its always been my favorite spec but blizzard just is completely lost when trying to make this class decent
Every time I come to the lock forums here you are screeching about PVP balance during pre-patch.
Meanwhile the like 4-5 youtubers I follow have ranked Affliction in A tier for PVP, and there are currently more Affliciton locks in the top 5000 players than Destro/Demo, the 11th best DPS. Pretty much the same situation no matter how you slice it.
Im loling because someone who plays the game at handicap level is basing the performance of a class off click bait youtube videos. The same videos that are making tier lists off of beta content that has a new build literally every 4 days for the past month
It has been an ongoing issue since the Legion expansion that our primary dot UA has been forced to be a pvp talent, Soul Swap, has been inconsistently available. This ability, which is crucial for our rotation, has been removed and reintroduced multiple times, and now it’s available only as a PvP talent. This situation is problematic as it significantly limits our ability to use Soul Swap effectively in various scenarios.
The current design forces us to choose between Impish Instincts, which is useful against melee cleaves, and Jinx. While Impish Instincts can be swapped in for Soul Swap, it leaves us at a disadvantage against spell cleaves where options like Nether Ward or Observer could be beneficial.
It is evident that there have been several opportunities to improve the quality of life for Warlocks through meaningful changes, yet these have not been addressed. This oversight suggests either a lack of understanding of our class’s needs or a concerning disregard for the Warlock role.
Literally yes, but without the 50% nerf. Just make it unlimited targets again like it should be, like it was in Wotlk-MoP where Affi was at peak design.
But then again I’m happy with just staying on Cata classic if canon-accurate class design is what I want and not retail’s deformed BS designs that they will just never fix.
I think that if they made it so that Soul Rot also caused Drain Soul (Not just drain life) to hit all affected targets, Affliction would be very competitive and fun to play.
I wouldn’t have it work with Obliterate though, that would be crazy.
I’m playing shadow priest… months wasted hoping the devs that designed hunter didn;t have a hand in the warlock class but it appears they go to the same bars and have the same ideas about destroying a class.
I mean I wouldnt say its destroyed. The main issues right now are just quality of life issues imo. Rampant afflictions and soul swap both need to be baseline and that alone makes a world of difference
Also, while Soul Swap is back as a pvp talent, they nerfed UA by an extra 10% when using Rampant Afflictions lol. I already plenty hated using it when it was 50%, but now its 60%? Just to be able to spread it? Yeah that’s outta my slots forever lol. Prob sticking to Jinx+Swap now as default then the 3rd between ward/R&D.
At least now my single target will be crazy again. Glad to be using Haunt again, though it’d be nice if it still healed.
The damage is still nice even with it reduced, ive still been running deaths embrace just for the10% increased dmg from all dots once they drop below below 35%. Haunt feels weird to me now so havent even been messing with it. Just been going full dot dmg increase with MR and big drain souls when it procs