Soooooo boomy tomorrow

“buffs” that look like nerfs overall with the terrible talent rework.



The changes to me look like they could be pretty fun in BG’s, but probably a step in the wrong direction for arenas. Only way I can see a boomy getting a lot of hardcast spells off is if the other dps is an even bigger threat (like Ele or destro, for example).

One thing I’m curious about with the change to eclipse’s interaction with starfire, are we going to be all in on wrath again. I like casting spells, spamming instants feels less fun to me, but the way melee can train on you currently makes this seem like a pipe dream.

BG’s, though… looking forward to that.

I’d unironically be happy with the changes if the new tree didn’t feel like a mega nerf. Just absolutely nothing to look forward to from the new boomy tree other than what three major talents do I no longer want.


Are we playing the same class? Idk how you get “nerfs”

Whoever designed the druid tree this expax needs fired. Its like theyre beating a dead horse at this point and they keep doing it.


To boomy…? You don’t think the new talent tree for balance is a net negative. A huge net negative?


The dogs complaining about boomy wanted starsurge buffs, so they got starsurge buffs.

Just remember that when you realize how much else got nerfed.

I just can’t believe they looked at the spec unanimously considered below average and said “ we got you.”

Starsurge and builder buffs!
Moon proc nerf
You have to lose three of these. But you can pick which ones!

Improved Incarn
Astral communion
FoE/new moon



I am just so upset that they dont know what they want from this spec… other specs have multiple options to choose from and playstyles to pick, boomy is basically pigeonholed into a single dot/rot spec that does no damage, unless you wanna get all mastery gear, cast a bunch and never do any damage because you cant cast 2.5sec casts in pvp and even then, you do smol dam compared to every other caster who does less casts and better burst.


After playing with it on the PTR for a bit, I will say them replacing circle of life and death feels really nice. It’s a lot more comfortable weaving in Stellar Flare when you’re not refreshing moon/sunfire every 8 seconds.

Got some wicked wraths off during incarn, but my worry about actually getting damage out remains. Being able to reliably keep 3 dots up seems to offset the nerf to orbit breaker a little.

It is pretty hard to justify denizen/fotf, which bums me out. I really like that talent, and I think I’m gonna keep trying to use it when I can. The buff from them stacks with the 3 dot buff, after all.


Just sad that stellar flare is still a “requirement”. I hate that spell. lol


IMO, talent trees need more pruning. Most of the stuff in the tree should be baseline, with talent points merely buffing what people wish to emphasize.

Want more crit or haste?
Want shorter CD interrupts/CC or more Astral gen?
Want more passive damage via dots/pets or harder hitting nukes?

Give people meaningful choices with a fleshed out spec.

The new design makes it seem like you get half a spec.


Solar beam should be base line Blizzard i love how you guys Made our TREE EVEN worse then it is now good job you guys are goof balls just fire the whole dev team at this point


For me the problem started when starsurge stopped being a strong spell. My shaman has instant lavaburst all the time with guaranteed crits (AND HITS HARDER THAN STARSURGE), instant cast with a doublecast chance, and fire shock with a 50% crit chance, fire elemental hits hard (unlike the stupid trees), stormkeep and so on…balance druid isa botton C tier, it’s extremely frustrating. The only thing i feel strong is casting 2 full moons , but the cast time is like forever and you have to pray to crit. I’m just playing my shaman and evoker right now, balance druid is not worth the headache, especially with this strong melee meta. (just talking about pvp ofc, i think balance pve is great)

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Boomy is really good in PVP right now into everything. Barring dks. Because fk dks.

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Absolutely not. All changes are positive for both for playstyle and damage, although more specifically AoE as ST stays about the same comparatively. Sure solar beam still seems a bit weird being in the spec tree, stellar flare still existing sucks, casting wrath in lunar eclipse on ST feel weird, and staying in lunar eclipse like 95% of the time is odd for a spec that has an eclipse mechanic. But these changes are a net positive.

What we should be focusing on is making our tree actually contain meaningful choice, and this is where for me the biggest issues lay. The talents are just poorly tuned and balanced. There’s some cool options and variety in there that can change playstle …you just dont touch em cause they’re rubbish to take.

There were no starsurge buffs. Think you’re just complaining for complaining sake

Starsurge deals 40% increased damage in PvP combat (was 20%).



I think you’re speaking purely from a pve standpoint. I don’t care about pve.