Sooooo C'thun is bugged again

Got a response from Blizzard, they told me C’thun is actually not a bug. He is a giant eyeball. So everything is fine guys.



fix this

that is all


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Pls can have fix


Im curious why it works for a bit and then a SoD patch comes along and it breaks again. Anyway, please fix or at least respond to us.

The inability to do one of Classic’s most iconic fights makes me sad. D:


During the dark glare phase C’thun randomly oscillates left and right instead of doing a full steady rotation.

Fix Please.

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Still not fixed here are some clips:

"" ""

This is not normal. The Dark Glare should rotate in a direction with a consistent movement. No jumping.

Here is a working example before SoD Update:


Blizzard please help to fix this encounter!

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I went through a bunch of recent footage and put up findings into a new ticket, since this one is 4 months old.

Daily reminder to fix this bug

Please fix I don’t play HC but would be beyond devastated if this is what ended my journey.

Note: in retail a bug doing exactly the same thing was caused on a particular m+ boss by any slowing effects. So the boss would work as long as no i.e. frost mages were around but would break and kill people with invisible 1 shot beams if any slowing effects were applied. We knew of the bug for a while but not the cause until it was discerned much later. Lost m+ runs to it and that was frustrating enough, I can’t imagine losing 6 months of work to the same thing. :frowning:


Still bugged

Hopefully blizzard can fix this bug in this 8 hour maintenance

You would think, but nope. Cata + SoD too important.

It seems the animation is bugged. It looks like the following Eye of C’Thun animation with rotation: