Soooo... Night Fae

Because 2/3 of the class get interactions?

But how does that lack of interaction devalue the strength buff and base damage of the spell in any way?

Look at the spell relative to Frost, not relative to the spell as it exists in Blood and Unholy.

I’d like frost strike to cleave.


This. Frost NEEDS better ways to spend runic power. If fs cleaved while in DND/deaths due that would feel great

At least then we wouldn’t be constantly wasting runic power.

Edit: Frost doesn’t have a runic dump unless we go into breath, and I don’t want to play that way.

Blood and unholy can maintain the DD buff pretty well permanently in combat. That has exactly zero influence on DD also being the best overall covenant ability for frost.

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They arent new interactions, the new interaction for Deaths Due is the stacking str buff and damage reduction. The scourge strike and heart strike hitting more enemies is a part of Death and Decay now.

Frost gets a str boost that plays well into Pillar of Frost and Fallen Crusader runeforge.

Frost also does have a runic dump, and its not wasted. You use it for a purpose, to get Runic Empowerment procs for more runes and it does damage even if it is single target. If you dont use your runic power then you are wasting it.

So much of the spec are aoe spells in some form anyways. Howling Blast preferably used with rime, Frost Fever which is applied with Howling Blast, Remorseless Winter, Frostwyrms Fury, Death and Decay now that its baseline for Frost, and then you have all the talents that are also aoe Avalanche, Frozen Pulse, Frostscythe, Gathering Storm, Glacial Advance, Breath of Sindragosa and some of the other talents that synergize well with other talents like Icy Talons with Frozen Pulse or Obliteration with Frostscythe. There is so much aoe that you can pick up that its easier to list the single target spells.

Rip. No ripcord has been confirmed and blizzard just nerfed unholy to force me into not only being a blue faerie, but to also be a frost dk at the same time. I can’t believe feedback can be given about crap systems and about my spec that I loved just for it to be ignored and gutted entirely. Thank you for nerfing my aoe for the 5th time in a row Blizzard.

I was doing some searching and found someone that is playing the beta as frost. He has a few suggestions:

There is no force in this world or the next that can make me go Night Fae on my DK.

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The covenants need to be balanced so that one isn’t better than the other. Different people enjoy different things and ideally there wouldn’t be enough of a difference that it wouldn’t matter; I don’t expect that to happen as long as player power is tied to them unfortunately.

Night fae is actually the covenant I like the best and I am happy to see that it could wind up at least being viable; it’s more than viable right now obviously, but the devs are actively working on tuning and we’ll see how things wind up once the devs are done with the tuning in beta.

I enjoy playing night elf toons and night elf lore and night fae fits with that. I don’t really care that it isn’t necessarily the best fit for DK thematically.

Necrolord is actually my least favorite covenant and my rarely played pally might be my token necrolord toon just so that I have one for the sake of completion (1 toon for necrolord, 1 venthyr, 1 kyrian, and the rest night fae).

I personally don’t like the Night Fae aesthetic, but Death’s Due atleast LOOKS cool, and Soulshape is some sorely needed mobility. So atm, having a clear choice performance wise feels ok, if a little underwhelming.

If Venthyr wasn’t the go-to for Breath, I’d consider running it but it’s use case seems minimal outside of generating RP for BoS.

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Actually I’ve been doing some testing with Venthyr while running the Obliteration build, and Theotar’s soulbinds tree offers a 350 mastery proc, as well as a 10% versatility buff when you use swarming mist.
It’s not quite as good as death’s due, but I think it will still be competitive. Although you do sacrifice 1 potency conduit for the mastery proc.
For reference, 350 mastery on beta is equal to about 20% mastery.
These effects combined during a pillar of frost window is extremely potent. However, the flood of runic power is a bit awkward, since runic power is kind of garbage in that build.


Howling Blast damage was nerfed and shifted into Rime to kill the Masterfrost build because it removed a portion of the spec entirely. So you cant just spam it and get crazy aoe damage anymore.

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Did you just use a vid from 3.2? Come on…

I feel like I am forced into Night Fae because I don’t want to run breath…

How dare people meme on the forums.

Not to be Mr. Doom and Gloom… But I am thinking about requesting a refund for my preorder if they don’t tune these covs. I really want to be necrolord but its trash in PVE. Venthyr is acceptable alternate but I really cant stand Night Fae.

I don’t if I could play the game as Venthyr knowing that Night Fae is way more powerful. If someone can reassure me the difference isnt as great as I perceive that be great.


I think its too early to know for sure. That said, no, I do not have much faith that these abilities will be even close to balanced.