Sooo phase 2 when?

Neither am I. I was actually one of the slower people to hit 60. Silly how other people actually feel entitled to talk about a subject they have no clue about / doesn’t currently affect them. :roll_eyes:

I mean outside of the two raids, there’s almost nothing to do.

Private servers had honor system in place from the get go, though…

They aren’t going to get in a hurry and drop it just because a few no lifers rushed through everything and now have nothing to do.

We tried to tell everyone what was going to happen if you got in a big hurry, a bunch of standing around doing nothing. It’s not our fault people were too stupid to listen.


Private servers had progression as well. Did everyone quit Nostalrius after a few months into MC?


Said the level 47 rogue… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Let me know if you ever even make it to 60 before giving up and going back to retail 'cause it’s tooo howd fow you too wevle

I don’t agree with someone’s point of view so instead of having a discussion about it ill just yell go back to retail… that will show him :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


thats terrible… you have time and areas devoid of others to farm endlessly for gold to buy anything and everything youd like…

I feel so sorry for you having hit max level and now have nothing to do but get rich and run endgame raids and dungeons…

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Okay Zoomie Tryhard. Lmao.

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Okay…bad player

Thats… The best you can come up with?

Im not saying drop it tuesday. But they should also not keep putting it off either. Layering was originally promised a few weeks max. Youve had it for a month now. Phase 2 should launch no later then start of november

Well this convo has gone to absolute crap. Have a good one yall.


I talk about it because I have already experienced LVL 60…You don’t just forget. Are you that self adsorbed?

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That’s all that needs to be said. You’re a sub 60 player arguing against something you have no clue about. Nothing more needs to be said. :rofl:

You are right…it is too early in my day for this crap.

Okay buddy, I’ve been playing this game since back before you were jerking off to speedrunner streams. But sure, lmao

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Are you so selfish you can’t even comprehend what it’s like for the tons of players sitting around at 60 with nothing to do? You can’t see outside your “but I’m still leveling” world? You really need to think outside your own little box, kid.

Well yeah, but that’s when we figured the timing would work. I’m betting the people in here complaining ain’t gonna be happy with November.

Yup, same. I don’t think how long you’ve played matters though…clearly, as you’re only 47. It’s okay though, you can make up all sorts of excuses as to why you’re that low.

Whats happening in November, no phase 2 still?

‘How dare you enjoy the game at a slower pace than I am, Blizzard should pay attention to my opinion over you wah wah wah’
