Not yet, but soon. I only had about a 5 minute queue on Skeram last night. I think it was 8:00 P.M. and it was Sunday. In about a month, all servers should be down to a single layer with some queues on the larger servers.
I am anti-layering. But we have it so we have to deal with it. Reality is, because they launched with it, Blizzard let servers get too full. If they had launched without it using a reasonable number of servers instead, we wouldn’t have this mess. But we have it. And now we have to fix it before we can get rid of layering. Many of my friends and guild mates would simply be unable to play if layering were removed on the spot. And, that is just as distasteful as layering itself.
It is funny that retail is absolute trash according to you and yet the main reason it is absolute trash is because Blizz bowed to the now now now now now zoomer mentality… the same mentality you are trying to push here…
I was addressing your outlook. So you’ll play the new content for a week or two, get bored and keep playing with that view for another 2-3 months again?
yeah. level’ing once can be entertaining. level’ing twice not so much. having multiple max-level toon doesn’t change it.
clearing MC once can be fun, clearing MC 20 times not so much… hence why BWL can’t come too soon either.
honor/BGs add something to do at end game after your weekly MC clear… which is something you kinda want to add in before too many people realize how bland end-game is.
I’d say DELAY the release of phase 2, phase 3 and so on by 2 x or 3 x longer. The reason is this. During the time of Vanilla WOW, most of the WOW players were teenagers with lots of free time in their hands. Now that we all grew up and have jobs and families, we can’t play like we used to…