SO....NERF shadowmeld

So they just buffed human racial, which honestly needed it, as if you were a human healer, you essentially didn’t even have an active racial.

But this just compounds the problem even more. The alliance just have ALL the good racials.

90% Alliance vs 10% Horde.


I just can’t risk playing an uggo race. Plus, I like my extra knockback.

This data is misleading a little bit, because paladin is the most popular class and Demon hunter can only be Blood Elf on horde. (Although there is an overwhelming majority of Night Elf Demon Hunters)

This boosts Blood Elf numbers by a lot. It’s not because the racial is good.

But you just know, if Night Elf ever get to roll paladins, which I am sure will eventually happen, there will be a massive migration to Nelf Paladins for Shadowmeld.

The same thing happened with mages and warlocks when they finally got to roll them.

Mostly Nelf. For shadowmeld.

Comment posted on a dracthyr. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is dracthyr, vulpera, worgen, or two tauren species. I don’t have too many options for non-human faced races…

Oh, and pandas, forgot pandas, sorry.

Season only just started and the ladder is nearly all Night Elf for rogues and druids. (every pvp bracket and M+ and raid)

It’s fine though.

that extra restealth is too good for stealth classes
NightElf is the way

You’re posting this as if druids by default haven’t been able to do this before the buff. That’s existed forever. It existed on Tauren so long as you could drop combat.

mistweaver? Shadowmeld.

warlock? Shadowmeld.

mage? Shadowmeld.

priest? Shadowmeld.

rogue? Shadowmeld.

druid? Shadowmeld.



Warrior… Warrior!!!

nope… Shadowmeld…