Sometimes RP guild names are ridiculous

I have quite a few MG guild names that make me laugh.

:purple_square: :milky_way: :purple_square: :milky_way:

Not the point I’m getting at TBH…

I’m gonna have to save that comic page to send to some friends who will appreciate it.

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It also seems biased and ignorant.
Let’s not pretend WrA is a shining beacon compared to MG. They’re both dumpster fires and they both attract unsavory players.

I just call MG a dumpster fire affectionately.

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I dumped my horde alt on WRA because I couldn’t stand some of the people.

I mean most peeps dump their horde alts on WrA because it’s become the designated horde server for RP.

I love that comic. Because its exactly what dnd is.

Jokesters making us all care about our silly characters lol


WrA is just a suburb of MG. People move there to get away from it, but it’s all the same folks in the end.

I mean dumped in the sense of “stopped playing”.

One of the biggest russian guilds in classic wow was named “gnomes have eaten my grandpa”

Adding to my post.

I still hope SOMEDAY I get to play my Kenku cleric. “Trick or Treat”. A Kenku obsessed with collecting candy. Even accepting candy as payment for his healing.

Oh he doesn’t eat the candy. He just likes holding it. Touching the wrappers. Or shoving them into the beak of a plague doctor costume so he can just constantly smell sugar.

I’m curious what serious RP guilds you saw with names like that, because I haven’t seen any. I’ve seen bank alt guilds, social/non-RP guilds and personal guilds with silly names, but I don’t know of anyone showing up to SLP meetings or showing up to IC recruitment events with guild names like “My Britches Are Burning” or anything.

You are playing your Kenku correctly, I love ravens IRL (mega cute birds) and they’re fun to play as. I have one that’s a Swashbuckler and his name is “Edgar”

I’ve just seen silly names for serious RP guilds and I always thought “Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?”

Still haven’t figured out how well he can talk. Well “Talk” since Kenku mimic. I like the idea of a kenku using sign language but I don’t know it. So roleplaying it would be difficult.

And yes ravens are adorbs. My tiefling has one as a familiar. They’re best buds.

For Trick or Treat imagine a candy focused version of The Mole from Atlantis lol

I have a gnome that acts like Vinny from there XD