Asmongold probably already has, or at least points out pros & cons upon the game. I haven’t watched his ‘Lost Ark’ videos myself, but I know he dabbles in the game.
Class gender is not based on pack level or f2p.
Some classes get 1 gender only. some classes are the same for 2 genders. Like gunslinger is the same as deadeye. Gunslinger is female version and dead eye the male version of the class.
The tutorial area can be skipped. Worth seeing the story once imo.
All I know about arks is that if one gets opened, keep your eyes closed really tight, or bad stuff will happen.
No Xbox One no play.
It is a shame, I would have tried it on Xbox one. I don’t think my Linux “potato” that can run Wow still could run that “Lost Ark” thing.
It’s more of a sidegame imo. I enjoy leveling but the leveling progression in Lost Ark is turbo garbage and kinda hard to press on because 50 is where its at. Genderlock is still trash.
I’m only level 20 though with like 8 hours of gameplay though.
Not gonna be a WoW or XIV killer by any means. It’s just okay imo.
I unsubbed from WoW to play Lost Ark… got about 6 days on my sub. I’m only like a lvl 19 sorceress but I’m having a lot of fun so far. I haven’t tried PvP yet but that’s the thing I’m most looking forward too with the equalized gear and PvP modes… 1v1v1 sounds fun. I prefer WoW’s camera angle but the game’s PvP is in such a sad state I can’t take it anymore.
Even the non end-game bosses are fun unlike WoW’s pre end -game bosses.
Anyways WoW… so long partner.
I think until WoW changes their tune with PvP gearing and balance I’ll be sticking with LA.
well The dungeon and pvp gameplay is really fun and I really dig it and lving wise is the same as other mmo boring long grind go point A kill stuff go point B kill stuff,it’s free to play in a few days just go try it,consider how boring and dry wow content right now is anyway.
I hated it but try it on 2/11 when its free and see how you feel.
Do you want 10 billion currencies (you thought wow was bad lol)? Do you want P2W? Then Lost Ark is the game for you!
Still trying to find the P2W, haven’t seen it yet.
I played it about 8 hours a day for the last 2 days and I am done with it. I just don’t get the appeal of this one. I wanted to like it so much and kept waiting for that “moment” it hooked me in. From the streamers I keep hearing “it’s the end game it’s the end game” but I too think they are hating on it, they just can’t turn away all their viewers.
Of all the places at your fingertips to get instant information, you come here?
Yeah, maybe I just fundamentally misunderstand how Lost Ark works from what I’ve seen, but so far my understanding is that WoW is more Pay-2-Win than Lost Ark.
People online are saying the biggest benefit to the premium subscription model is that you can bind your “Hearthstone” to multiple locations allowing you to more easily travel to raids and dungeons. Otherwise, all you’re really getting is the ability to buy in-game gold with cash, and WoW has more powerful pay-2-win benefits that you can purchase with gold such as BoEs, leggos, and paid boosts, whereas it sounds like in Lost Ark you’re mostly grinding account-bound currencies for gear.
Heck, for PvPers, Lost Ark doesn’t even use gear whatsoever. Consider just how pay-2-win WoW’s PvP scene is with boosting for rating… it’s a joke to think Lost Ark is worse in that regard. A total meme that seems completely fabricated.
If people don’t like aspects of the game that’s totally fine, but the pay to win element seemed highly exaggerated just to undermine the game’s launch by haters.
We need to lock it away in a Well of Souls.
Who knows? In a thousand years, even it may be worth something!
My cerebus owns. I walk in press a button…everything dies. Platinum made me god tier!
Oh wait it doesn’t. Now mounts do have stances but that is all mounts. even the gimme one free from the quest outside the cathedral.
needs more Taurens…
It’s a complete grind fest once you reach T2 raids to get mats to upgrade gear to T3 content. Need to level all the alts with the old T1 mats to farm mats for main pretty much. I see half the player base stopping once they see whats required to reach T3.