Some WoD Crafted Armor Sets and Weapons Unobtainable in Shadowlands

And no word on the races without heritage armors.


Not to burst your bubble, but this isn’t a pre-pandemic thread.

Eh? :slight_smile: I made this thread for the sole reason of: “Stuff are missing, bring them back”.
It had zero to do with Covid.

(Yes I am the alt of Korolak)

Even making this type of comment feels… like you are worse off than me with my apathy/depression and boredom.

As for the update:
“We’re still thinking about fixing this” is not good enough :frowning:
There are so many items missing and then there’s the white/gray mog talk; it feels like these things taking YEARS is beyond insanity.

Why is it taking so long?
Give us a reason.
We deserve one.


Yeah I am off by a few months, Dec 2019 :sweat_smile:

This right here. It’s quite literally at the core of every problem the game has faced in recent years. ESports have been the bane of gaming since their inception. Back in the day those of us who first got into tabletop games with D&D and then later moved on to computer gaming did so precisely to get away from the sportification of everything. Fast forward to the ESports era and our one time heaven has been utterly defiled and is barely recognizable anymore. We’re simply no longer the target audience for these games and it’s painfully obvious at this point.

So yeah, unless it gets Twitch views or makes ad dollars for Bobby, nothing is getting the attention it deserves.

This is such a simple fix, yet the powers that be are acting like it’s quantum mechanics. At this point, I can’t help but wonder if we are being trolled.


What I am hoping is that they’re planning a mini patch focused on transmog updates. The WoD armor added back in, the white/grays are moggable…maybe some other goodies we don’t know about?

Other missing armor sets?
More heritage armor?
Update to the set tab to include green sets and such?
Or dare I imagine…unfettered access to all unlocked mogs regardless of armor type? :hushed:


  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t craft legacy profession recipes that required special objects to craft them.

From tonights hotfixes might be what we are looking for

Not, this is a fix for enchanting that it couldn’t use the Vellum , I don’t know if there was other professions impacted.

I just checked and WoD removed tmogs are still missing at least for Tailoring.

Except it didn’t fix the vellum bug. Still gives the same error message.

Oh :frowning: I didn’t check it, I just assume it was that issue.

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It’s stuff like this that really forces the player base to never trust anything the dev team says in good faith as it’s all ‘technically’ type double speak.

They said at the start of SL when the WoD stuff broke that it would be fixed in ‘a future patch’ which implies during the expansion cycle of SL. Instead, what they meant is ‘an indeterminant point in the future bundled in with a patch even if it’s multiple expansions down the road.’ which while technically a future patch, is heavily misleading and intentionally misconstruing what a reasonable person would understand of what they said.

Kind of like with the upped mount drop rates recently. They ‘greatly increased’ them, I’ve done 15+ kills on Galleon since then, and still no drop, and it had the highest base chance of the bunch, so for all we know the drop rate could have been increased by 200%, but a 200% increase of 0.03% is still only 0.09%.

TL:DR; the problem is that Bliz seems to be nothing but technicalities lawyers intent on missleading what reasonable folks would take what they say to mean because ‘WE knOW WHaT YOu WaNt AND ARe LisTeNING to FeedBacK’.

-edit- To clarify, it’s been 15+ kills since they upped the drop rate, I had 1k+ prior, I stopped counting sometime last year after getting to like 1400 some

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Perhaps they could just bundle them as ensembles on the new renown tracks, there’s a lot of empty space over the multiple 40 renowns.

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WoD Tmogs back…Also, White/Grey Items.

It only took 1 expansion and 1 patch but it’s going to be fix.


Now we just need the old starter sets back. We’ll have to see if starter sets are actually going to be included in the transmog update, though.

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Anytime now. We’re still waiting

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So what WOD crafted item are you not able to get? I got all 3 versions of the leather armor, swords, axes, and cloaks.

Not at last check. :dracthyr_love_animated:

They put in essences to acquire the other tints. In 10.0.5 I believe. Pull up your profession window for a WOD item, and you will see an extra slot for essences. You have to buy the pattern to create the essence from the garrison profession building. There is a blue and purple essence, one for each of the other tints. Create the essence then drop it in as the extra crafting thing and you will get the other tints.


Such great news! Thanks!
