Some thoughts and ideas I had for the improvement of the game

Hold on, I need to change out the bag. Getting full.

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I don’t like all of his stuff either but the videos on that data is sourced and correct. You not liking a youtuber doesn’t make me incorrect, lol.

What kind of logic is that.

Stop citing people who make money from clicks as reliable sources.


Then link the sources here. You can put a ` before and after a link to link it. will look like this if done right.

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So you can’t site any article or any video on the internet then? Because they ALL get money from clicks.

Holy hell

I’m going to go take a nap.

75% of what you said is not “improvement.” Part of what you said doesn’t even make sense, because we’ve had flying since day one of this expansion and that’s continuing next expansion.

Citation needed.

~ Sendryn alt, because forums are bugged

Nothing wrong with RWF. Some folks like that die hard, bleary eyed, clock is ticking content. Others like watching it. RWF is a fun distraction with little cost to the game.

M+ is the only scalable content in the game. If you find M+X too easy, there’s always M+(X+1). This lets folks rise to their level of competency and challenge themselves with rewarding (by definition, they get better rewards) content. M+ is a great system.

There’s a reason that they mix up things like M+ opening up older dungeons. All dungeons are mostly routine after 3 or 4 runs. Adding more doesn’t change that, just slows the curve down, and there’s always other stuff needed in the game than just dungeons. All about balance. We already have, what, almost 150 dungeons.

Reforging was removed because it complicated play and didn’t add much actual value. We learned for a long time that things like reforging, or other kinds of “sliders on gear” are illusory choice. There is no choice (CLass X, build Y is going to choose more crit). But it doesn’t actually make the game any more fun (getting gear is fun, getting stat sticks you’re just going to spreadsheet the numbers on, is not fun).

AOE cap is a combination of an M+ artifact, but also lower level dungeons. Until they make dungeons “harder” (which they likely won’t any time soon), unlimited AOE just drives GOGOGO to more GOGOGO. Hard to imagine them making it worse, but unlimited AOE is a good way to try.

Level scaling make more of the game viable to more of the population for more things. You can level ANYWHERE in the entirety of WoW instead of, say, Elwynn Forest. Because of the modern demands of leveling, scaling is the only really viable technique to help promote use of the zones and make all zones viable for players.

WQs and dailies are a primary playstyle for a large amount of the player base (“Casuals™”). No reason to make their experience more trivialized and boring just because some folks don’t enjoy WQs.

Class Halls, like the Garrison, etc. aren’t current content. Because of the realities of how this game is played, keeping players in the “current zone” as much as practical is a design goal. The world is already too big, and focusing development effort on dead content in old zones isn’t really productive nor advancing the story or the game.

And forcing the team to continue to refresh dead content to “make it current” distracts them from the new zones which is what they should be focused on. There’s a reason we don’t have huge quest hubs and large swaths of content in, like Stormwind. They were very kind putting an AH in Valdrakken this expansion. Save for the portal room, little reason for routine need to go to SW. One more thing they don’t have to keep beating on expansion, after expansion, after expansion.

That cat’s out of the bag. The game is not static. You can’t play Vanilla WoW today in Retail. You couldn’t play Vanilla WoW in BC either. It’s a changing, dynamic world. And much like the real world when someone discontinues a favorite produce, c’est la vie. Tying the hands of the designers is silly idea.

So focus on some big bad large lore characters, but not other big bad (or good, or indifferent or morally challenged) lore characters?

Revendreth was a maze. Bastion, Ardenweald, and Maldraxxus were mostly flat (Bastion perhaps the rockiest of these). DF is gorgeous, the Cavern is flat. Korthia was effectively flat, Zereth Mortis was super flat. Sorry, not every zone is High Mountain. Heck, even during Legion not every zone was High Mountain.

Yes, we need another system to allow players to express their hate, their bigotry, their politics, and all of those other loving traits that folks seem to can’t help themselves doing in public areas with their pseudonymity.

Or, better, a system that lets players either cheese the system to its brink, or becomes so gimped and worthless we would have been better off with another dozen WQs like Kittens in Bubbles or petting frogs.

A key aspect of time gating to help ensure that players can play at a pace and NOT fall behind. Catch up system are a blessing and a curse allowing players to essentially “show up at the end” and “get everything”. Players want stuff to do in game, they want to be rewarded for playing the game, they want some “respect for their time” by acknowledging that having actually “shown up” during the game “means something”. Otherwise, may as well just show up during the last 3 weeks of the patch.

Uh, we’re flying around in a world of dragons right now.

Open world dungeons are great. We’ve had them since Zul’Farak.

Elitists don’t care. They’re not playing 90% of the game anyway.

I would adore seeing a dungeon for the final patches, often that feels the most bizarre to explain without exploring the numerous campaigns. :scroll::robot::sweat_drops:

The story focus… I kinda get it. Like Anduin shouldn’t be put into a focus on Shadowlands or War Within but it could be resolved if we involved his divine bell affect from the novels. :memo::robot: