SOM xfers to WOLTK

Not even SoM players like seaonsal play.

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I posted this in hopes we could get a blue reply to it or the the other main post keviax already replied to 20 days ago. Whether you guys think we should or shouldnt be allowed to come is not relevant but it is helping engagement and boosting the post so thank you

A. Charge $35 for it
B. Make a new server for only SoM players nobody can xfer in or out or make new characters without one already on it.
C. Don’t do it until p2.

Only way I’ll find these xfers remotely acceptable

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will pay 35 dollars without hesitation

Why not a TBC SoM tho? :thinking:

Lol talk about a waste of money

you are just a sad troll that spends way too much time on wow classic forums… playin the game is one thing but 900 post on the forums talking negative … yikes

Just because my opinions hurt your feelings doesn’t make me a troll :person_shrugging:

It honestly doesn’t matter what people think, SoM to Wrath C transfers are happening, so those comments can be ignored.

People on the Wrath C (previously TBCC) forum have traditionally made fun of SoM. People on here like to troll and pick sides too. None of this surprises me sadly. The thing is it does not matter.

As for the Blizzard reply you are seeking, being real here you’ll probably only get one on the initial thread when Blizzard is ready to share more info.

Blizzards communication is not good. I’m trying to get free transfers to the server my toon I post on is on. It’s the only dead/low pop PVP server. I want to see it revived through transfers from the PVP servers with queues, which is most of them, but Blizzard just ignores the server and does nothing. So yes they don’t really listen or pay attention to things like this. I’m not surprised but that’s because of experience.

CHECKING FOR UPDATE HERE BLIZZ - Will i be able to bring my character on SOM to my faerlina where my characters are?

we got our reply - its just the worst one they could gave us

Coming from SoM, you should feel just like home.

yea so they should send us to another dead realm or realm we have no connections too? as our consolation prize for dealing with their underwhelming support for SOM that faded into nothing as AQ gates were opening ?

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Nah, they should let you go to the “full” realms so we can start having big queues again, which we’re barely getting over dealing with.


you do realize by letting us move to realms we have existing characters on NOTHING what so ever will happen to the que? you do dont you? you get that? Its the same exact thing as me boosting a 70 or creating a new character… yikes

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What will happen to your brethren that doesn’t have existing character on these realms? Will you leave them behind, on even deader realms since you and everyone who do will be gone or is this whole thing really just about your little person?

those players have no ties to existing realms - they are locked realms because of the que… so its reasonable to say those of us who have existing characters because the whole motto of classic is community and friends. Why would anyone reasonably expect for movement to locked realms if you didnt have characters there?

I’d turn your question around and ask why you can’t move any character on locked realm, despite already having max levels there, since the lockout began, as it wouldn’t change the server population in the slightest.

Easy answer: That’s another incitative for you to move out, because they don’t want to invest money in upgrading their server capacity. They’d rather not spend a dime and let you cave in and move to dead realms. They say they “can’t”, but coming to my previous point in the latest paragraph, i never bought that.They just “won’t”

SoM or not, you’re not going to make exception.

I get what you’re saying here. I have 3 toons above level 70. Why should I have to move all 3, to my SoM’s forced realm, rather than they allow my SoM character to come to sulfuras?

I just find it completely incompetent on their end. I’m just curious as to the reasoning behind the entire decision. I get that it’s the decision they’ve made, but why?

Wasn’t my comment enlighting enough on that part?

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