SoM West Coast Server Health

Can we please get a merger between Nightfall and Mutanus? Could also open free transfers from Jom to our servers as well. I’m sure that I can’t be the only one struggling to fill groups and there is literally 0 economy.


They need to open up Obsidian Edge → Shadowstrike transfers so normal players can get away from the HC cringelords.


Jom or shadow it seems.

Yep same problem on OCE. Can’t do dungeons, AH dead, Cant form raids because not enough priests on the server, not enough bracket slots for anyone to rank besides 5-10 people.

No thank you.

We’re getting enough rerolls as it is.

Merge oce servers, merge dead na servers and then allow xfers off Jom.

just need 1 PvE and 1 PvP for NA total. West/East coast division is pointless. OCE cannot sustain their own server neither. They just gotta deal with the ping.

laughs in Classic Era
Please. As a server that is not connected with others AND has a sizable HC community, we have the zero economy thing mastered.

Y’all wild and not even close to 0.
But hope you get the transfers you feel you need.

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Here ya go

i quit playing because xfers weren’t a thing. after waiting 3 months for it, i’ve moved on entirely. let all the jom people keep their server as is

Westside homie