Just like how blizzard listened to the #NoChanges crowd? KEKW
Yeah no joke I still say that easiest way to do that would be wrath classes Is like I would be OK if the world was made 20% stronger If we had wath classes
It would be worth it And with 60 talent points we would still be weaker
They did They gave us the final version of vanilla Or are you really going to really knit pick and say Oh no loot trading and laring I would rather that than Q times just saying
Why do people keep pointing at era servers and saying “ see! It’s dead bc world buffs!” ? Era was not portrayed to me that it was a general server meant to be played, as it is not progressive and is perma p6. Why on earth would anyone think this was a relevant option? You told me that you’ve played vanilla “more than me bud” now I KNOW you’re lying
People were dropping off throughout the entire game. If you think your precious world buffs didn’t contribute to that then you are delusional. It’s not good gameplay, it forces people to not play the game. And who would want to play a game that they aren’t allowed to play?
The meta dictates that everyone needed these silly things. Sure some people didn’t, but then they were either in bad guilds or just a ball and chain for the rest of their guild to carry along.
Not everyone is unemployed and has all the time in the day to play the game, so would have to world buff much earlier in the week whenever they had the time to get them. So for their few hours that they could play outside raid nights they had to spent them afk in booty bay.
I don’t know why you keep advocating for world buffs. There is literally nothing good about them. If you can’t clear raids without them that’s on you, not the vast majority of the community.
Again, you didn’t play as much vanilla as you claimed because you wouldn’t be saying such nonsense. Time will show, either way
4 level 60s, raided on 3, agree with everything Naztor says
also grinded plenty, flasked almost every raid and logged with 16k gold. So don’t try and tell me I didn’t play enough
Sorry bud, not gonna happen. It’s purely a RoI (return on investment) calculation. They aren’t going to invest significant development when they can just copy/paste existing assets and make some non-substantive changes.
Is the calculation correct? Will it succeed? We’ll probably never know, because only Blizz will have all the financials.
You haven’t played on a no wbuffs pserver, you do not know what is coming
Yeah I raided on 4 60s over classic and all the content was cleared easily, I played vanilla but I’m not going to lie like you and say I cleared naxx. I was 12 years old. I played enough to know that raids weren’t half filled with fury warrior/rogues.
You can say all you want, but you’re not getting world buffs, noone wants them, noone cares for them. You’re saying to me everything I said was wrong but referring to vanilla? And we’re talking about world buffs? World buffs were not a thing in vanilla, so maybe before you start trying to call people idiots do a bit of research.
Your server will die within 2 months. Every no wbuff server discord was the same thing. Guys like you not knowing the consequences it has on the pop. They learn later though, and so will you
Pservers generally have a much sweatier player base. So of course they left without world buffs. The new SOM no world buff servers are for both casual and sweats. The only people that are going to leave because they’re not in the game are fury warrior mains who refuse to adapt to a different playstyle that doesn’t involve them slapping their keyboard like a pair of drums.
I think you are going to see a completely different demographic than this. By the way, I personally do not care about world buffs, I just know what they do for servers. I play the game for pvp
Yeah now that we can no longer afk in booty bay waiting for someone else to hand a quest in the entire server is going to die!
Yeah, it is. As crazy as it sounds
They are adding more things every week. They made a post saying they are rolling out new updates each week.
Expect more things this wednesday.