Solving the Premade "dilemma"!

But for people who do random BGs as their primary form of content, it was great.

How so? Gear in SL was focused on ranking. It was the worst gearing in history. If anything, WoD, dragonflight, and TWW have better gearing for people that only do randoms.

That’s not correct. You seem unable to differentiate between abusing flaws in the game and using systems in the game to achieve an outcome the developers did not anticipate or account for when those systems were created.

In nearly every recent race for world first, there is at least one boss that is defeated in a way the designers were not anticipating. Sometimes they will patch to force raids to the intended strategy but most times they just let it go. But either way, players are not sanctioned or punished in any way for creative uses of game mechanics.

I’m sure you’ll keep screaming that queueing at the same time as others is an exploit, but other more reasonable people may read this. People have been syncing queues for epics for over 19 years; Blizzard clearly does not see it as an exploit.

That’s a problem too. You can transfer honor which means people don’t need to farm that honor on each character. That means less people doing random BGs.

Also, remember when you just used honor to upgrade your honor gear and conquest gear? That was great. Now you need stupid upgrade items.

No doing something not intended by the game is called exploiting.

Not the same at all. But good try.

Never once have I ever said that. It’s no surprise you guys rely only lies to push your narrative.

Sure, but it’s never been this bad. And blizzard also did away with it lol so you’re incorrect. But I’m sure you will keep screaming that it’s ok to exploit because “blizzard hasn’t fixed it yet”. LOL

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Of COURSE people say the biggest issue is the most recent thing they found annoying.

Whenever someone does solo shuffle and gets a tank in their group, they say that Blizzard shouldn’t let tanks in PvP. That’s just wrong. Blizzard should design the game in a way that allows people to engage the content in the role they prefer in the most fun way possible. Period. I don’t care what people say. “You think you do but you don’t” is true more often than not. Most of us are not developers and haven’t studied game design. When I talk about Bartle’s Taxonomy of players I have to make a long parenthetical explaining what that is, even though it’s practically holy Scripture for MMO design.

But honestly… Premades are not supergroups. They aren’t The 1990s dream team. It’s not like most of those guys are high ranked arena players deciding to just ruin people’s day for fun (while certainly some of them are). They are just normal people trying to to farm easy honor and doing so with better communication and coordination. Blizzard can address that by neutralizing their advantage, without kicking those people out of the content.

Going up against a premade is never worse than going up against a full team with half a team. That happens ALARMINGLY often this expansion.

More like the thing making game miserable and not fun to play.

Idk… Don’t play?

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Idk… don’t exploit?

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Who’s exploiting?

The people sync queueing.


How do you expect to stop it and have you considered the potential collateral damage of those measures?

Some bans of those abusing it would be a good start. The damage is already happening it needs to be cut out before it’s even worse.

How do you expect to prove the abuse?

“Not me! I just queued and your game put me with that group…”

They openly do it. Addons have been exposed.

OF COURSE people say the biggest issue is the most recent thing they found annoying

This is you just assigning beliefs and positions to me because it’s convenient for your argument.

And I’m really not interested in reading anymore pop psychology about WoW personality types.

Personally, I think Blizzard should just make a separate EBG bracket solely for large groups. Let the premade guilds hash out their high school drama amongst themselves


You didn’t say I should ask you. You said I should ask others. I explained why I would rather not. I didn’t assign any belief to you.

Dr Bartle developed the first virtual world multiplayer online RPG and studied the types of people who play in those games extensively. He was a leading consultant on gamification. You’re not alone in not being interested in it, but the fact that half the industry isn’t interested in it is why the MMO genre is dead and WoW can’t make a good expansion anymore.

This exacerbates the other problems and takes away the motivation of those players instead of leveraging it to improve everyone’s experience. The EBG bracket would be dead and so would the regular bracket.

Blizzard has enough resources. They should figure out a way to mitigate the advantages that premades have, and leave the brackets the way they are, or figure out ways to offer better rewards for people who go up against premades and emerge victorious.

they should figure out a way to mitigate the advantages that premades have

It’s numbers. It’s tricking a system that only allows groups of 5 players to queue together into getting 35-40 people into the same BG.

The way to mitigate it already exists. You can only queue with, at most, 5 people.


Or just get rid of sync exploiters because it’s not the intended reason for randoms. You guys will continue to abuse it until they day you are removed

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That is meant to mitigate the behavior but not the advantage.

What I mean is take away what makes a group of 40 so good.

Why is it that the fact that they deliberately grouped instead of randomly, makes them so much better?

Is it because they are better coordinated?

If so then give randoms better ways to coordinate (which they have done to an extent by upgrading some of the communication tools). Expand on the ways that players can communicate. Add a inc button that is part of the UI and pops up when you are sitting a base, for example.

Add rewards for engaging with the UI when it results in successfully completing objectives. In the above example, if you hit the inc button, it automatically alerts the entire instance group that you have an inc at your location (Let’s say it’s AB and you hit the button at the GM… It spams everyone “INCOMING ENEMIES AT THE GOLD MINE!”). If you used that and players respond and you successfully defend the flag at the goldmine, then you and everyone who responded gets bonus honor. Every honorable kill at the GM for a reasonable amount of time, is worth bonus honor.

Take away the advantage.