Soloing mythic Seat of the Triumvirate

Seriously guys. The instance gives no loot up to Viceroy Nezhar, who one shots the entire party with Eternal Twilight for 438,950 shadow damage, a boss ability which is not even in the dungeon journal.

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It’s a standard Mythic ability, part of one of the mechanics. You have 10 seconds to kill the Voidtenders shielding him and interrupt the cast of Eternal Twilight, or suffer the intended wipe.

Looking again in the Dungeon Journal… No mention of it there.

If you think that it should be standard for mythic dungeon boss abilities to not be in the dungeon journal and should have to be learned by word of mouth, I disagree.

Yes, it is in there… Click the abilities tab, not the lazy overview part, and you’ll see under Viceroy Nezhar: Insanity. Click on it and click on all the sub tabs to expand out Shadowguard Voidtender, dark bulwark and and eternal twilight. You will clearly see the abilities are listed there.

  • Insanity : During the course of the fight, Viceroy Nezhar continuously gains Insanity. At 100 Insanity, Viceroy Nezhar summons 2 Shadowguard Voidtenders and starts to cast Eternal Twilight.

  • Shadowguard Voidtender: When summoned, the Shadowguard Voidtenders cast Dark Bulwark on Viceroy Nezhar.

  • Dark Bulwark: Enshrines the target in dark energy, making them immune to damage and interrupts.

  • Eternal Twilight: Releases a cataclysmic blast of void energy, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies.

It’s all right there if you read.