Solo Shuffle Problems

I’m getting pretty frustrated with people leaving on the last match who have been losing their matches. It keeps happening over and over again. We need a serious punishment for leavers in solo Shuffle. Or Blizzard needs to calculate it so that the gains are reconsidered if a match isn’t finished for the remaining players. Coming out to zero CR because you were dominating the entire rounds and one player just kept losing is pretty annoying especially as a DPS when you have to wait almost 10 minutes queues right now for a single match.


Seen people freakout and say they are leaving if we dont throw when they switch teams. Blizzard really needs to punish these people.


The new implemented 50 extra (150 rating total) loss from leaving Solo Shuffle is not enough to stop people who leave rated. It needs to be a hard debuff to stop people from constantly throwing games on a 4th alt in a 1900mmr game. It should be a lockout of all PvP Qs for a certain amount of time ON TOP of losing 150 rating.


I agree. It needs to be an account-wide lockout because people are just logging on to another character and still throwing games or rage quitting and screwing everyone else over. There is also the issue of someone who has not won any games telling the team that if they don’t win too at least that they are going to leave. It’s extremely toxic and some teammates even given to it which causes a whole other issue. There needs to be severe consequences and players who do that type of behavior need to be able to be reported during the matches for Blizzard’s review. Perhaps Blizzard can even lock those people out of rated queues for an extended amount of time. I think there’s also an issue with the pairing system. At 2200 match making rated games sometimes one player will be around 1600 and of course that player is getting destroyed and is usually the one to leave. Of course the 1600 player isn’t usually as invested in the game as a 2200 player. The matchmaking system has to be better about matching closer rated players.

Edit: I also want to point out that I genuinely enjoy the solo queue shuffle. Especially as a rated modality. I know there are issues with it and I hope Blizzard just acknowledges that we are trying to help fix the system rather than them feeling they need to scrap it all due to the errors.

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Yeah I seriously hope they add a Gameplay Sabotage like in Overwatch as one of the choices.

Also really like solo shuffle these FEW problems are just pretty glaring. The ENTIRE mode is literally amazing. Just need to implement some kind of real punishment and guidelines

I think the tanks into solo shuffle change is a great way forward but blizzards PvP depertment really needs to address the disparities between certain tanks and how they benefit the team. I understand that they have said they will do this but it seriously needs to be happening right now. Im sure behind the scenes this is happening but they need to open some communication and let people know whats going on.

Reiterating again that the disparity between tanks has NOT been addressed yet and how they plan on fixing it because its getting pretty soon to when the expansion is going to launch and they haven’t even communicated any information yet

The change to sleeper is exactly what we need to see more of! Now that druids are on even ground we need some buffs for all the other tanks to still compete with guardian